VistaJet Crafts the Most Incredible Lunar New Year Family Celebrations
VistaJet Crafts the Most Incredible Lunar New Year Family Celebrations
Gift Meaningful Memories with Culinary Delights, Cultural Workshops, and Nostalgic Entertainment
• Savor Michelin-starred traditional Asian delicacies at 45,000 feet – the highest dining experience this Lunar New Year.
• Learn the art of Cantonese cuisine with loved ones through an immersive dim sum-making workshop at The Ritz-Carlton.
• Enjoy hours of laughter and heartfelt competition with VistaJet's bespoke Lunar New Year Game Box onboard.
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Hong Kong, January 6, 2025 – Lunar New Year marks a special time to connect with family and loved ones. Honoring cherished traditions while embracing new beginnings, VistaJet, the world's first and only global business aviation company, invites Members to celebrate the Year of the Snake with three bespoke experiences designed to create unforgettable family moments.
A Festive Family Table at 45,000 feet
Lunar New Year celebrations wouldn't be complete without a festive feast. VistaJet's Private Dining team, in collaboration with Michelin-starred culinary partners, presents an exclusive menu featuring regional delicacies. Highlights include but not limited to:
• Chinese Nian Gao, meaning ‘higher year', it's a sticky rice dish symbolizing prosperity and success.
• Singaporean Lo Hei, a salad tossed for good fortune.
• Korean Tteokguk, a comforting soup that signifies fresh starts.
VistaJet guarantees an impeccable and elegant dining experience at altitude, thanks to its global network of 7,000 private chefs and Michelin-starred restaurants. To provide the most authentic yum cha experience in the air, VistaJet collaborates with its longstanding partner, The Ritz-Carlton, across key cities in Asia*. Featuring a spread of small plates that pair beautifully with fragrant teas, this is the perfect gathering for Members and their loved ones to mark joyous occasions.
“We believe the journey should be as extraordinary as the destination,” says Matteo Atti, Chief Marketing Officer at VistaJet. “Our bespoke Lunar New Year offerings allow Members to unplug and reconnect with their loved ones, ensuring the season is truly memorable , celebrating Lunar New Year through a series of spectacular in-flight and post-flight novelties guaranteed to enchant."
Reveal the Culinary Art of Dim Sum
For an enriching post-flight experience, VistaJet Members can partake in an exclusive dim sum-making workshop at The Ritz-Carlton in Hong Kong or Shanghai. Often formed in the shape of gold ingots, dim sum is considered a symbol of prosperity and abundance, with many believing it blesses diners with good fortune in the coming year.
Guided by Michelin-starred chefs, Members and their party are invited to discover the secrets of traditional Cantonese cuisine at an interactive workshop, followed by a delightful lunch at the two Michelin-starred Tin Lung Heen in Hong Kong or Jin Xuan Chinese Restaurant in Shanghai.
Spread the Joy with Nostalgic In-Flight Entertainment
Step aboard VistaJet's iconic Global 7500 to find the perfect home away from home for families. Upon request for selected departures in Asia#, Members can delight in VistaJet's customized Lunar New Year Game Box for quality time with friends and family, free from stressful distractions.
Specially curated Lunar New Year Game Boxes provide wholesome entertainment, featuring:
- Chinese Airplane Chess, a traditional game of strategy and chance in which players navigate their planes across VistaJet's customized game board
- Snakes and Ladders, a tabletop pastime that invites players to embody the intelligence and charm of the Snake zodiac in a rousing test of wits.
Celebrate Lunar New Year with VistaJet
With guaranteed access to VistaJet's unrivaled global fleet, Members can fly to the ultimate Lunar New Year reunion. Offering unbeatable global connectivity, the Global 7500 is the largest and longest-range business jet each boasting four separate living spaces, including an entertainment room and permanent stateroom. Flying up to 17 hours non-stop, VistaJet offers the world's largest fleet of Global 7500 with 18 aircraft ready to fly anytime, anywhere.
* Only available for selective departures in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, and Singapore.
# Exclusive to Global 7500 departures in Asia and subject to availability by popular demand.
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About VistaJet
VistaJet is the first and only global business aviation company, leading the industry by setting higher standards of service and safety for 20 years. On its fleet of silver and red business jets, VistaJet has flown corporations, governments and private clients to 207 countries and territories, covering 96% of the world.
Founded in 2004, the company pioneered an innovative business model where customers have access to an entire fleet whilst paying only for the hours they fly, free of the responsibilities and asset risks linked to aircraft ownership. VistaJet's signature Program membership offers clients a bespoke subscription of flight hours with guaranteed access to the Vista Members' fleet to fly them anytime, anywhere.
VistaJet is part of Vista — the world's first private aviation ecosystem, integrating a unique portfolio of companies offering asset free solutions to cover all key aspects of business aviation.
More VistaJet information and news at
VistaJet Limited is a European air carrier that operates 9H registered aircraft under its Maltese Air Operator Certificate No. MT-17 and is incorporated in Malta under Company Number C 55231. VistaJet US Inc. is an Air Charter Broker that does not operate aircraft. VistaJet and its subsidiaries are not U.S. direct carriers. VistaJet-owned and U.S. registered aircraft are operated by properly licensed U.S. air carriers, including XOJET Aviation LLC.
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