Muck Rack Acquires Ruepoint to Enhance its Media Intelligence Business
Concierge-led services combined with world class data, AI-powered tooling will deliver unmatched solutions for customers
MIAMI, DUBLIN and LONDON, Jan. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Muck Rack, the leading provider of award-winning PR software built for how enterprises work, announced today that it has acquired Ruepoint, a leading global media intelligence company, to deliver even more robust professional services through curated monitoring, digests and insights, to inform PR and communication decisions and strategies. The purchase follows the company's acquisition of social media platform Keyhole in September 2024, rounding out Muck Rack's comprehensive and integrated platform.
The acquisition unites Ruepoint's industry expertise, seasoned content augmentation capabilities, and measurement and insights services with Muck Rack's worldclass data and AI-powered tooling. Customers who opt for the new enhanced media intelligence services as part of their Muck Rack subscription will harness the deep industry knowledge of the Muck Rack and Ruepoint teams and the best of both companies' technical ingenuity to inform strategy, track market competition and showcase PR's impact on business outcomes.
"In today's media landscape, where the plethora of new platforms and rapid news cycles can overwhelm, Ruepoint serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path for brands to navigate through the noise," said Greg Galant, cofounder and CEO of Muck Rack. "By integrating Ruepoint's expertise with Muck Rack's innovative tools, we empower our customers to chart a clear course toward impactful PR strategies.”
Muck Rack's concierge-led media intelligence services are available as an additional offering in the Brand Premier subscription package to streamline the PR workflow and get customers the right results, faster and more efficiently. The new solutions include:
- Curated Monitoring: Comprehensive, curated global media monitoring across print, digital, television and radio, summarized and enriched by a team of editors and delivered via email, API integration, portals or business intelligence software.
- Executive Digests: Bespoke digests and media reviews tailored to keep specific business audiences informed, from the C-Suite to Public Affairs to Legal.
- Measurement and Insights: Consultancy-led services with quantitative and qualitative measurement and evaluation of earned and social media channels, summarized with graphical and narrative-based reports and interactive dashboards, designed to provide actionable insights on trends, campaigns, media impact and reputation, to measure the effectiveness and impact of PR strategies.
"We have built Ruepoint on the belief that editorial expertise, combined with robust data, can uncover powerful insights that show the true business impact and value of PR," said Kevin Fagan, cofounder and CEO of Ruepoint. "Joining forces with Muck Rack, an established leader in PR software, is the natural next step to amplify our mission. Together, we will offer global brands a deeper understanding of their media performance and the confidence to act decisively as they adapt to new challenges and opportunities."
"We are committed to delivering not just information, but actionable, human-curated insights that empower communicators to drive meaningful business outcomes,” added Raina Lazarova, cofounder and COO of Ruepoint and Global Chair of AMEC, the International Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication. "Muck Rack's cutting-edge technology and global reach, paired with Ruepoint's content curation rigor and personalized approach, will create a truly unmatched unified media intelligence offering. We are enthused about helping customers navigate the evolving media landscape and achieve their strategic goals with greater clarity and impact."
Built from the ground up in house and powered by the best data in PR, Muck Rack leverages the latest in AI and machine learning to monitor more than 600,000 media outlets worldwide and more than 3.5 million articles a day, across television, print, digital, podcasts, newsletters and social media. Powered by the industry's most accurate and reliable data, its Dashboards tool offers outcome-based templates to measure five key areas of media relations, including Media Impact Analytics, Brand Reputation Insights, Competitive Analysis, Relationship Summary, and Outreach Performance.
The acquisition of Ruepoint comes at a time of rapid development and financial success for Muck Rack. In September 2024, the company acquired social media listening company Keyhole and will soon integrate social listening into its software to help customers understand how social media and news coverage work together in the broader media ecosystem. The company received its first-ever institutional capital investment of $180M in 2022, and remains founder-controlled, majority-founder owned and profitable.
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About Muck Rack
Muck Rack is the leading provider of award-winning PR software built for how brands and agencies work. The only public relations software powered by intuitive technology and the most accurate, comprehensive data provided by journalists themselves, Muck Rack combines media database, monitoring and reporting for seamless team collaboration, pitching and measurement. Purpose-built for communications and public relations, Muck Rack helps more than 5,000 companies worldwide analyze and report on the impact of their media relations. Thousands of journalists use Muck Rack's free tools to showcase their portfolios, analyze news about any topic and measure the impact of their stories. Learn more at
About Ruepoint
Ruepoint is a global media intelligence company, providing cutting-edge solutions to help organisations navigate and excel in the ever-evolving communications landscape. With over 450 clients, Ruepoint blends advanced technology with expert analysis to deliver actionable insights that empower our clients to make informed decisions, enhance their reputations, and achieve strategic goals. Ruepoint services are always customized to every client's individual needs, including: comprehensive media monitoring, tailored insight reports, competitor analysis, strategic consulting and many others. Ruepoint is committed to demonstrating the value of effective global PR and communications through data-driven strategies and expert-driven insights. Learn more at
For Muck Rack
Linda Zebian
For Ruepoint:
Iskren Lilov
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