Mohawk Industries, Inc. Invites You to Join its Fourth Quarter Earnings Conference Call
CALHOUN, Ga., Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In conjunction with Mohawk Industries’ (NYSE: MHK) fourth quarter 2024 earnings release on Thursday, February 6, you are invited to listen to the conference call that will be broadcast live on Friday, February 7, at 11:00 am ET.
What: | Mohawk Industries’ Fourth Quarter Earnings Call |
When: | February 7, 2025 |
11:00 am ET | |
Where: | |
Select “Investors” tab | |
How: | Live over the Internet – Simply log on via the web at the address above or |
Register for the conference call at: | |
Live Conference Call: Dial 1-833-630-1962 (U.S./Canada) | |
Dial 1-412-317-1843 (International) | |
For those unable to listen at the designated time, the call will remain available for replay through March 7, 2025, by dialing 1-877-344-7529 (U.S./Canada) or 1-412-317-0088 (International) and entering Conference ID # 3217810. The call will be archived and available for replay for one year under the “Investors” tab of
Mohawk Industries is the leading global flooring manufacturer and creates products to enhance residential and commercial spaces around the world. Mohawk’s vertically integrated manufacturing and distribution processes provide competitive advantages in the production of carpet, rugs, ceramic tile, laminate, wood, stone, and vinyl flooring. Our industry leading innovation has yielded products and technologies that differentiate our brands in the marketplace and satisfy all remodeling and new construction requirements. Our brands are among the most recognized in the industry and include American Olean, Daltile, Durkan, Eliane, Elizabeth, Feltex, Godfrey Hirst, Karastan, Marazzi, Mohawk, Mohawk Group, Pergo, Quick-Step, Unilin and Vitromex. During the past two decades, Mohawk has transformed its business from an American carpet manufacturer into the world’s largest flooring company with operations in North America, Europe, South America, Oceania and Asia.
Mohawk Industries, Inc.
James Brunk, Chief Financial Officer
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