Sony Honda Mobility and HERE Technologies partnering to reshape the future of connected EVs and soft
- With HERE Navigation SDK, Sony Honda Mobility plans to power AFEELA's digital cockpit with a connected, software-defined, in-car guidance experience that serves as an extension of the driver's daily life.
- The partnership delivers HERE's unified mapping architecture to the AFEELA which enables state of the art visualization and augmented reality capabilities.
Las Vegas, CES 2025 – HERE Technologies, the leading location data and technology platform, today announced its partnership with Sony Honda Mobility Inc. (SHM) aimed at reshaping the future of mobility with the SHM electric vehicle (EV) brand, “AFEELA”. Through this partnership, SHM plans to leverage HERE Navigation SDK for AFEELA's digital cockpit and HERE SDK Explore for their mobile application, powered by HERE's unified mapping architecture.
The product of a joint venture between Sony Group Corporation and Honda Motor Co., Ltd., AFEELA aims to challenge the typical EV, blending Sony's expertise in digital technology with Honda's automotive innovation.
The unified mapping architecture from HERE enables SHM to power multiple in-car systems and location-based applications in AFEELA's software-defined vehicle, such as state of the art visualization, EV range management, augmented reality features, and more. The AFEELA helps deliver a seamless and intuitive journey for drivers and passengers, such as:
- In-Vehicle Infotainment System: HERE Navigation SDK delivers a robust guidance and navigation experience with rich EV features and safety information delivered across the vehicle's digital displays.
- Mobile Application: The HERE SDK (Explore edition) integrated into the AFEELA mobile application delivers real-time map updates and seamlessly connects AFEELA experiences to the digital lives of drivers and passengers.
By leveraging HERE's unified mapping architecture, AFEELA plans to deliver a truly intuitive and personalized mobility experience that goes beyond standard navigation. HERE Professional Services brings together scalable products from HERE to support AFEELA's intelligent architecture, which aims to transform mobility into an extension of the driver's digital life.
Izumi Kawanishi, Representative Director, President and COO, Sony Honda Mobility said, “Navigation is an important component of AFEELA, and with HERE Navigation SDK, we are expanding beyond simple navigation to create an intuitive and personalized mobility experience. We look forward to bringing a new dimension to connected mobility through our partnership with HERE.”
Mike Nefkens, Chief Executive Officer at HERE Technologies said, “We are thrilled about our partnership with Sony Honda Mobility. This collaboration embodies a shared vision: to push the boundaries of mobility and redefine what the future holds for the software-defined vehicle. HERE is building a live platform that enables AFEELA to stay connected and shape its own uniquely connected digital cockpit experience. We believe that a connected guidance experience will be the foundation of all vehicles, moving us toward smarter and safer journeys in the future.”
Media contacts
HERE Technologies
Jordan Stark
+1 312 316 4537
Dr. Sebastian Kurme
+49 173 515 3549
Camy Cheng
+65 9088 4127
About Sony Honda Mobility
Sony Honda Mobility Inc. (SHM) is a Japanese joint venture mobility tech company established by Sony Group Corporation and Honda Motor Co., Ltd. in 2022. By combining Sony's technological prowess and Honda's automotive expertise, SHM aims to lead innovation in the industry through joint development and sales of high-value-added mobility and providing services for mobility. For more information, please visit us at or follow us on Facebook, Instagram, X or LinkedIn.
About HERE Technologies
HERE has been a pioneer in mapping and location technology for almost 40 years. Today, HERE's location platform is recognized as the most complete in the industry, powering location-based products, services and custom maps for organizations and enterprises across the globe. From autonomous driving and seamless logistics to new mobility experiences, HERE allows its partners and customers to innovate while retaining control over their data and safeguarding privacy. Find out how HERE is moving the world forward at
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