Carestream Health Continues Innovation with Powerful Improvements to Trailblazing DRX-Revolution Mob
Rochester, N.Y., Jan. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Carestream Health, a leading provider of medical imaging solutions, announced today the addition of new features to its popular DRX-Revolution Mobile X-ray System. These new features continue Carestream’s tradition of innovative, mobile imaging excellence to help improve efficiency, ease of use, and image quality.
The DRX-Revolution Mobile X-ray System now includes new inching drive controls to help enable precise movement of the system directly from the tube head. This allows operators to move and reposition the system easily without returning to the cart’s main drive handle, resulting in an improved, more user-friendly workflow.
Another new addition to the DRX-Revolution Mobile X-ray System is the optional Align Assist feature, which provides real-time angulation information for the tube and detector on the system’s tube head display. This not only allows radiographers to make quicker, more precise adjustments but can also help reduce grid cutoff, shape distortion, clipped anatomy, and associated repeats for more consistent imaging.
In addition, the DRX-Revolution Mobile X-ray System now offers the option of Carestream’s Smart Noise Cancellation. This optional feature leverages AI to help provide noise reduction, improved image quality, preservtion of fine detail, better contrast-to-noise ratio, and easier to read radiographs. Additionally, when used in conjunction with software-based scatter suppression like SmartGrid, it can provide increased benefits for gridless imaging, like improved image quality with more detail and easier-to-read radiographs.
”We are thrilled to introduce these new features to our powerful DRX-Revolution system,” said Jordan Berry, Carestream Health's Product Marketing Manager for Mobile X-ray Solutions. ”Our aim is to empower healthcare professionals with cutting-edge, user-friendly, diagnostic imaging solutions. We firmly believe these new additions will streamline technologists' efficiency and workflow, and significantly enhance departmental productivity and image quality, ultimately helping to deliver better care.”
These new features help complement Carestream’s powerful, fully-loaded, industry-leading mobile X-ray system to help deliver a more impactful mobile imaging experience.
For more information about the DRX-Revolution Mobile X-ray System and its new features, please visit [].
About Carestream Health
Carestream is a worldwide provider of medical imaging systems; X-ray imaging systems for non-destructive testing; and precision contract coating services for a wide range of industrial, medical, electronic, and other applications—all backed by a global service and support network. For more information about the company’s broad portfolio of products, solutions, and services, please contact your Carestream representative, or call 1-888-777-2072, or visit .
CARESTREAM is a trademark of Carestream Health.
Melody Warner Carestream Health 5857898735
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