Caseware Appoints David Marquis as Chief Executive Officer
-Accounting software veteran to lead the company -Industry shifts towards Caseware’s AI-enabled cloud solutions which are driving time savings, higher quality and improved talent retention
Toronto, Jan. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leading global audit, analytics and accounting software provider Caseware has today unveiled the appointment of David Marquis as Chief Executive Officer. Marquis transitions to Caseware after five years at Intuit, where he recently led the international division including Canada, Australia, the UK and other non-US markets. Marquis joins at an exciting time for Caseware, which has reached a unique position as a global leader in cloud audit, assurance, financial reporting and data analytics, selling into over 130 countries.
David Marquis, Chief Executive Officer, Caseware
Caseware’s solutions, uniquely for its industry, are built on a single global cloud platform. The company continues to demonstrate deep innovation in technology through initiatives like the Dynamic Audit Solution (in partnership with AICPA and in the US, and AiDA, Caseware’s AI digital assistant which saves time and maintains the highest data security and compliance standards that Caseware has always delivered for the profession.
“I’m honored to join Caseware, a Canadian tech unicorn with a proud legacy of innovation and a mission to empower audit and accounting professionals worldwide,” said David Marquis, chief executive officer, Caseware. “Together, we have a unique opportunity to redefine the industry, accelerating the benefits that technology can bring to professionals, businesses, and the communities they serve.”
Marquis brings a wealth of tech leadership experience from his previous role as a Canada Country Leader for Google. His impressive career also includes an eight-year stint at Bell Canada and foundational roles at Rolls-Royce and The Boston Consulting Group.
Mike Sabbatis, board chair at Caseware commented, "David’s appointment marks an exciting new chapter for Caseware as we continue to revolutionize the accounting and audit landscape. His proven leadership, innovative thinking, and deep understanding of both technology and the accounting profession make him uniquely qualified to lead our company into the future. With his expertise, Caseware is well-positioned to deliver even greater value to our customers, leveraging cutting-edge AI and cloud solutions to drive quality, efficiency, and enable accountants to practice at the highest level of their certification. As part of this transition, I would like to recognize the contributions of Dave Osborne, our departing CEO, who has played a pivotal role in the transformation, growth and innovation at Caseware over the last few years."
Alexander Johnson, director at Hg added, “David has joined during an inflection point for the industry, with CPA firms transitioning en masse to Caseware’s cloud products driven by increasing focus on both audit quality and ROI. Firms are enjoying improved automation and accuracy, integration of remote and offshore teams and improved talent retention and attraction via Caseware’s best-in-class software.”
Elise Sallis, VP, Head of Global Communications Caseware
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