EBC Financial Group Recognised Across Four Top Categories in FXEmpire’s 2025 Review
EBC Financial Group earns high ratings across key areas, including a perfect 5.0 for deposit and withdrawal, and is committed to continuous improvement and innovation
LONDON, Jan. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- EBC Financial Group (EBC), a leading global brokerage, has been recognised in FXEmpire’s 2025 review, earning recognition in four key categories: Best FCA-regulated Broker for Professionals, Best ASIC-regulated Broker for Automated Trading, Best Order Execution for Copy & Social Trading, and Best Fast Execution Broker for Day Traders. This assessment highlights both EBC’s strengths and areas where it continues to evolve as one of the top FCA-regulated brokers on FXEmpire’s platform.

Alongside these recognitions, EBC received high praise for several aspects of its trading services, showcasing the company’s commitment to making trading seamless, reliable, and accessible for all types of traders.
Streamlined Deposit and Withdrawal Process
EBC’s deposit and withdrawal process received high praise for its exceptional speed, efficiency, and reliability. By providing a seamless financial experience, EBC ensures traders can transfer funds effectively and with confidence, reflecting its dedication to delivering trusted trading services.
Flexible Account Offerings
EBC’s account options were recognised for their flexibility and versatility, catering to a diverse range of trading needs. Whether for novice or professional traders, EBC’s personalised account structures are designed to meet unique requirements and enhance trading experiences.
Cutting-Edge Platforms and Tools
EBC’s trading platforms and tools earned strong recognition for their performance and innovative features. With MetaTrader 4 and 5, VPS hosting, and AI-driven solutions, EBC empowers traders to execute strategies with precision and confidently explore new opportunities. Additionally, EBC’s proprietary copy trading platform was praised for its innovative use of AI, enabling seamless social trading for both novice and experienced traders.
Elevating the Trading Environment: Flexible, Fast, and Reliable
These results come from the flexibility of EBC’s platform, designed to support traders of all experience levels with intuitive and easy-to-use features. With tight spreads and low commission fees, EBC offers a cost-efficient trading environment for those looking to optimise their investment strategies.
EBC’s trading environment is further enhanced by ultra-fast order execution speeds of under 20 milliseconds, ensuring traders can capitalise on market opportunities with precision and minimal slippage. Exceptional customer service remains a cornerstone of EBC’s offerings, with 24/7 support ensuring clients always have access to assistance. By adhering to stringent regulatory standards and maintaining transparency, EBC fosters trust and reliability globally.
EBC also empowers traders with advanced tools, such as an order flow analysis tool powered by CME data, delivering institutional-grade insights. This complements its diverse selection of financial products, including forex, stocks, indices, and commodities, catering to a wide range of trading preferences.
Beyond its product offerings, EBC prioritises trader education through webinars, tutorials, and market insights, equipping clients with the knowledge to make confident and informed decisions.
Looking ahead, EBC continues to build on its strengths by expanding its range of tradable instruments, enhancing educational resources, and upholding its commitment to client protection with regulatory oversight from the FCA, CIMA, and ASIC. With Lloyds of London insurance coverage reinforcing client security, EBC exemplifies its focus on setting new benchmarks for security, innovation, and global excellence.
Proven by Ratings, Driven by Innovation
EBC’s recognition is a testament to its ability to meet the highest industry standards, as verified by FXEmpire’s renowned review methodology. FXEmpire employs a proprietary rating system based on meticulous testing, live trials, detailed questionnaires, and in-person broker demonstrations.
Brokers are evaluated on over 250 variables across nine critical categories, including regulatory compliance, platform features, fees, customer service, research, and education. Categories are scored on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 denoting excellences. This rigorous process ensures that FXEmpire’s ratings provide traders with reliable insights to make informed financial decisions.
As the company continues to grow, these accolades serve as a foundation for further excellence in the ever-evolving financial landscape. By prioritising client trust and long-term partnerships, EBC remains poised to lead the forex industry, shaping a future where every trading experience is backed by integrity, innovation, and opportunity.
Discover how EBC’s award-winning platform can enhance your trading experience. Visit www.ebc.com to explore our tools, resources, and account offerings tailored to traders of all levels.
About EBC Financial Group
Founded in the esteemed financial district of London, EBC Financial Group (EBC) is renowned for its services in financial brokerage and asset management. With offices strategically located in prominent financial centres such as London, Sydney, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, the Cayman Islands, Bangkok, Limassol, and more, EBC enables retail, professional, and institutional investors to access a wide range of global markets and trading opportunities, including currencies, commodities, shares, and indices.
Recognised by multiple awards, EBC prides itself on adhering to leading levels of ethical standards and international regulation. EBC Financial Group's subsidiaries are regulated and licensed in their local jurisdictions. EBC Financial Group (UK) Limited is regulated by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), EBC Financial Group (Cayman) Limited is regulated by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA), EBC Financial Group (Australia) Pty Ltd, and EBC Asset Management Pty Ltd are regulated by Australia's Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
At the core of EBC Group are seasoned professionals with over 30 years of profound experience in major financial institutions, having adeptly navigated through significant economic cycles from the Plaza Accord to the 2015 Swiss franc crisis. EBC champions a culture where integrity, respect, and client asset security are paramount, ensuring that every investor engagement is treated with the utmost seriousness it deserves.
EBC is the Official Foreign Exchange Partner of FC Barcelona, offering specialised services in regions such as Asia, LATAM, the Middle East, Africa, and Oceania. EBC is also a partner of United to Beat Malaria, a campaign of the United Nations Foundation, aiming to improve global health outcomes. Starting February 2024, EBC supports the 'What Economists Really Do' public engagement series by Oxford University's Department of Economics, demystifying economics, and its application to major societal challenges to enhance public understanding and dialogue.
Media Contact:
Savitha Ravindran
Global Public Relations Manager (EMEA, LATAM)
Chyna Elvina
Global Public Relations Manager (APAC, LATAM)
Douglas Chew
Global Public Relations Lead
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/93573bc0-c0b2-43a0-a40b-432c6790f11d
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