GEMS Education launches one of the finest schools in the world with School of Research and Innovatio
School of Research & Innovation-Football Field
School of Research & Innovation-Football Field
School of Research & Innovation-Aerial View
School of Research & Innovation-Aerial View
- GEMS School of Research and Innovation to open August 2025 in Dubai Sports City, drawing on 65 years of GEMS’ educational excellence for families
- Hand-picked specialist teachers, latest AI technologies, and wide range of outstanding facilities will place it among world’s top private schools
- Leading educational figures praise GEMS’ plans to redefine teaching in English curriculum school that will set benchmark for region and beyond

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GEMS Education today announces the launch of its most innovative school to date, GEMS School of Research and Innovation, set to open its doors in August 2025 to take its place among the finest schools in the world. The purpose-built English curriculum school seamlessly blends world-class teaching, cutting-edge facilities, and purposeful innovation that will create an unprecedented learning experience for students.
Designed as a global hub for educational research, the school optimises education through hand-picked specialist teachers, the transformative power of artificial intelligence, advanced technology, and values-led education. Placing wellbeing and happiness at the heart of its mission, the school breaks traditional boundaries to deliver a truly holistic education experience.
The new school has already been endorsed by a string of highly respected figures in British education, including Amanda Spielman, who served as His Majesty’s Inspector for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED) from 2017-2023.
Additionally, Julie Young, a highly renowned educator, innovator, and visionary leader from Arizona State University known for her expertise in school design for diverse educational models, including virtual, blended, and technology-enhanced learning, has also given the new school her full endorsement.
Sunny Varkey, Chairman and Founder of GEMS Education and The Varkey Foundation, said: “We believe in empowering the next generation to shape a better world. GEMS School of Research and Innovation is a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional education based on our 65 years of experience.
“By combining the very best hand-picked educators recruited from the UK and around the world with cutting-edge technology and unmatched facilities, we are creating a unique school where every student has the opportunity to thrive and innovate, leveraging their own innate curiosity.”
At the core of the school’s philosophy are its values, which nurture students to be pioneering, empathetic, and prepared to address global challenges with care and purpose. The school’s Family First movement strengthens this approach, fostering close collaboration with parents to uphold strong family values.
Every element of the school has been meticulously crafted to provide an enhanced sensory experience. From dedicated reading and play spaces to state-of-the-art STEM and disruption labs, the environment is designed to inspire creativity and foster critical thinking.
Specialist primary spaces for technology, design, sports, and the arts, alongside collaborative tech hubs and an immersive research centre, offer unmatched opportunities for young learners to explore and excel.
Lisa Crausby OBE, Chief Education Officer of GEMS Education, said: “This is more than a school – it is a transformative space where education meets innovation. At GEMS School of Research and Innovation, students will benefit from personalised learning experiences, driven by exceptional teachers and enhanced by world-class facilities. We are preparing our students not just for the challenges of today, but for the opportunities of tomorrow.”
The enhanced British curriculum is meticulously designed to blend academic excellence with future-focused subjects. Students will engage with computer science, artificial intelligence, robotics, esports, and game design from an early age while exploring specialist languages, arts, sports, engineering, and business.
The school’s extended day programme further invests in a super co-curriculum that nurtures students’ talents in everything from gymnastics and swimming to musical theatre, classical dance, and street performance.
As a GEMS Centre of Excellence for Research and Technology, students will connect with schools worldwide, participating in UNESCO conferences, becoming global ambassadors, and gaining access to prestigious universities and top-tier employers through the GEMS for Life programme.
Partnerships with industry leaders like Microsoft, HP, Apple, and Plug and Play Tech Center provide real-world learning opportunities that foster entrepreneurial mindsets and encourage students to turn ideas into impactful solutions.
The school’s Disruption Lab and Research Centre is dedicated to developing entrepreneurial skills and cultivating innovative thinking, empowering students to create solutions that address real-world challenges.
The campus boasts world-class amenities designed to bring the learning experience to life, including:
- Specialist robotics and science laboratories.
- A 600-seat auditorium.
- Olympic-sized swimming pool.
- AR and VR-enabled learning centres.
Amanda Spielman commented: “This is a school built not only to deliver outstanding academic results but also to develop well-rounded, future-ready young people. The emphasis on attracting exceptional teachers and providing them with world-class tools and facilities, I believe is a model for others to follow. GEMS School of Research and Innovation can set a new global benchmark for education.”
Julie Young added: “GEMS School of Research and Innovation represents a breathtaking vision for the future of education, which will set new standards for other leading schools around the world to try to match. By integrating cutting-edge technology and exceptional design with a deeply values-driven approach, this school will empower students to thrive academically, emotionally, and socially in a rapidly evolving world.”
GEMS School of Research and Innovation builds on GEMS Education’s 65-year legacy of delivering global education excellence, nurturing the genius in every child to shape the leaders and innovators of tomorrow.
Families and educators eager to be part of this transformative journey are encouraged to visit for more information.
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
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