81% of CDP users gain competitive edge in AI initiatives, Tealium research shows
Study reveals enterprises with CDPs achieve faster AI deployment with superior data quality, while non-CDP users struggle with data wrangling and compliance
San Diego, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tealium today released its sixth annual report, The Future of Customer Data: AI, CDPs, and Real-Time Data, revealing insights into how organizations are leveraging customer data platforms (CDPs) to drive business success in an AI era. The study surveyed 1,200 global professionals across industries, examining both CDP and non-CDP users at various stages of maturity.
Below are key insights and findings from the report.
The Intersection of AI and Customer Data Management
The study reveals a transformative shift in how organizations are leveraging AI and ML through their CDP investments.
- 81% of CDP users reported high satisfaction with their platform's ability to support AI and ML projects, marking CDPs as critical enablers of AI innovation.
- More than 54% of users identify real-time insights and predictive analytics as a primary benefit of combining AI with their CDP.
- Respondents state they are able to better scale their business with AI, with confidence going from 35% to 46% when using a CDP. Additionally, 84% say a CDP makes AI tasks and projects easier.
The research highlights a growing divide between CDP and non-CDP users in AI capabilities. Non-CDP users face increased challenges in supporting AI and ML projects, particularly in areas of data accuracy and privacy compliance, with significantly more time spent on data wrangling. CDP users also report faster time-to-value for their AI initiatives.
“We are seeing a clear correlation between CDP maturity and AI success,” said Jeff Lunsford, CEO of Tealium. “Organizations that have integrated their CDP with AI capabilities are achieving enhanced customer understanding and engagement while maintaining the highest standards of data quality and integrity.”
The study also reveals that organizations combining CDPs with AI initiatives are better positioned to achieve results in:
- Customer lifetime value prediction
- Churn prevention
- Next-best-action recommendations
- Real-time CX optimization
- Automated audience segmentation and targeting
Real-Time Data Management Emerges as Critical Success Factor
The report found that real-time data management has become indispensable, with 90% of respondents identifying it as crucial for overall business success. Organizations using CDPs report significantly higher satisfaction rates and success metrics compared to non-users, particularly in their ability to meet customers at critical moments in their buying journeys.
For instance, Rohrman Auto Group, one of the largest automotive groups in the Midwest region of the United States, has been innovating with real-time data strategies, achieving a greater ROI when leveraging Tealium’s CDP.
“Having the ability to own our first-party data is critical, especially in the highly competitive and dynamic automotive industry,” said Ryan Rohrman, CEO of Rohrman Auto Group. “With Tealium's real-time CDP, we are able to better understand our customers and engage with them in the moments that matter most, overall achieving increased business efficiency, enhanced marketing strategies, and improved data governance and quality.”
Data Privacy and Compliance Confidence
As global data privacy regulations continue to evolve, the report highlights a significant advantage for CDP users in managing compliance requirements.
- 91% of CDP users express confidence in handling changes to data privacy regulations, compared to 76% of non-CDP users.
- 68% of respondents increased investment in first-party data strategies as a result of shifting privacy regulations.
- 36% of respondents say that privacy and regulatory compliance is within their ‘top three use cases’ for a CDP, next to customer acquisition (37%) and customer retention (43%).
Overall, CDP users experience benefits around enhanced data security and compliance with global regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA.Download the full report for additional insights and findings: The Future of Customer Data: AI, CDPs, and Real-Time Data.
To keep up with the latest company news, visit Tealium’s Newsroom.
About Tealium
As the most trusted CDP, Tealium connects data so businesses can better connect with their customers. Tealium’s real-time data infrastructure allows brands to power their AI models and activate data for enhanced in-the-moment experiences. Tealium’s turnkey integration ecosystem supports more than 1,300 built-in connections from the world’s most prominent technology experts. Tealium's solutions include a real-time customer data platform with machine learning, tag management, an API hub, and data management solutions that make customer data more valuable, actionable, privacy-compliant, and secure. Named as a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant for Customer Data Platforms™, more than 850 leading businesses globally trust Tealium to power their customer data strategies. For more information, visit www.tealium.com.
Natalie Passarelli Tealium Inc. 3129650210 natalie.passarelli@tealium.com
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