Creatives Behind Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon and The Division Launch Equity-Based Early Seed Round
Join the Mission, as Veteran-Led Old Glory Studios Aims to Create a Series of Interconnected, Immersive Combat Titles
CHARLOTTE, N.C., Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Old Glory Studios — a company founded by veterans of the United States Armed Forces and creatives behind Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon and The Division — proudly announced today the launch of its Regulation Crowdfunding offering to revolutionize the video game industry with a series of high-quality combat games. The studio’s flagship title, Victory's Grave: Outflank, promises to captivate players with intense combat and a fresh gaming experience to set a new tactical gaming standard.
Old Glory Studios partnered with Folla Capital, LLC, an SEC-registered and FINRA-member broker-dealer, to facilitate this early seed round.
Old Glory Studios stands out with its innovative approach to game development, led by veterans of both the gaming world (Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon and Tom Clancy's The Division) and the U.S. Military. The studio aims to redefine the tactical shooter space by producing multiple AA-tier games that satisfy different player audiences with shared narrative threads; Victory's Grave: Outflank will offer players a PvP experience, with its follow-up providing a story-rich campaign. Old Glory Studios’ mission is to balance authenticity and accessibility in the tactical shooter space, made possible through a modern, collaborative, financially sustainable Shamrock business structure.
Lewis Manalo (Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint), Co-founder/Executive Producer of Old Glory Studios, excitedly stated, "We're at the dawn of something extraordinary here at Old Glory Studios. With our first playable prototype of Victory's Grave: Outflank completed, this funding will allow us to take the next big steps in production, marketing, and operational expansion." Co-founder/Creative Director Matt Patak (Tom Clancy’s The Division 1 & 2) continued, "Our vision is to bring back passion and soul into gaming by aiming to have games with such deep immersive experiences that will resonate with players for years. This campaign is an incredible opportunity for investors to join us early on this journey."
John Panaccione, Partner at Folla Capital, stated, "As an investment banker, I'm thrilled to support Old Glory Studios as it embarks on this exciting crowdfunding journey. This initiative represents a unique opportunity for investors to back a veteran-led company with a clear roadmap for success in the gaming industry. Supporting Old Glory Studios is about more than potential financial returns; it's about being part of a team pushing boundaries in storytelling and game design."
Old Glory Studios' crowdfunding campaign offers SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity) interests starting at a minimum investment of $500 and seeks to raise up to $1,235,000 by February 28, 2025. Funds will support the development of Victory's Grave: Outflank, including cutting-edge production, innovative marketing campaigns, and key operational growth. Interested investors can learn more by visiting Folla Capital's website's offering page.
Forward-Looking Statement
This Old Glory Studios press release may contain forward-looking statements, which are, by nature, risky and uncertain. These risks and uncertainties include international and local economic and market conditions, our ability to sustain, manage, and/or forecast growth, and any other risks that may or may not be presently known. For more information, see Form C, which includes the business plan and other supporting investor information, at
About Old Glory Studios
Founded by combat veterans and seasoned game developers Lewis Manalo and Matt Patak, Old Glory Studios has over 25 years of experience in the gaming industry. Our founders have worked on some of the world's most popular tactical shooters, bringing their real-life experiences into game development.
Old Glory aims to make combat games that are easy to learn but difficult to master. Backed by a talented network of developers, writers, and artists, our mission is to deliver accessible games to everyone while staying true to the authentic combat experiences of our founders.
Ron Burgess, CJ Melendez, and Sean Walsh
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