Mobilize and Autostrade per L’italia Forge a Strategic Alliance to Power Sustainable Mobility in Ita

PARIS, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
- Renault Group through its Mobilize brand and Autostrade per l’Italia through its subsidiary Free To X have signed a framework agreement to develop fast-charging infrastructure in Italy.
- As part of the transaction, Mobilize will acquire a significant stake in Free To X, a subsidiary of Autostrade per l’Italia, dedicated to fast charging.
- The existing Free To X network comprises over a hundred High-Power charging stations primarily located on highways, with an average distance of approximately 50 km between each station.
- The parties intend to enhance Italy’s charging infrastructure, focusing on premium locations beyond highways.
In a landmark move for the electric mobility sector, Mobilize, a Renault Group brand dedicated to new mobilities, and Free To X, a subsidiary of Autostrade per l'Italia, have announced a transaction that aims to accelerate the deployment of a high-power charging network across Italy.
Through this project, Mobilize is set to acquire a significant stake in Free To X, Autostrade per l’Italia's subsidiary dedicated to fast charging, supporting Mobilize's vision of establishing a strong presence in the fast-charging industry.
Free To X, one of the leaders in the high-power charging (HPC) market in Italy, operates a fast charge network comprising 110 stations, primarily located on highways. These stations deliver up to 400 kW of power and are accessible to all e-mobility service providers. Mobilize's investment will support the development of new opportunities beyond the highway network.
Completion of the transaction between Mobilize and Free To X, subsidiary of Autostrade per l’Italia, is subject to regulatory approvals.
"Entering into a partnership with Autostrade per l’Italia is a significant step in our mission to lead the transition towards sustainable mobility. By collaborating with Free To X, we are not only enhancing Italy's charging infrastructure but also aligning with our strategic ambitions to establish a robust fast-charging network across Europe, making electric mobility easier for all," said Gianluca De Ficchy, CEO of Mobilize.
"We are proud to join forces with Mobilize to provide fast and Hyperfast charging solutions for travelers boosting the growth outside the motorway network," said Giorgio Moroni, CEO of Free To X. "The transaction confirms the relevance of the Company in the sector as a Key enabler of low-emission mobility.”
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About Mobilize: Mobilize is the Renault Group brand dedicated to new mobility trends. Mobilize supports the transition to more sustainable mobility by offering its personal and professional customers products and solutions linked to energy, financing, connectivity and fleet management. Mobilize also develops electric micro-mobility vehicles. Mobilize embodies the vision of sustainable, innovative mobility, and paves the way for accelerating the energy transition by making it accessible and tangible. Mobilize is present in 40 countries and employs more than 4,500 people. Mobilize Financial Services is under the direct supervision of the European Central Bank under the name of RCI Banque S.A. For more information, visit follow Mobilize on X, Instagram and LinkedIn.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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