Schneider Electric champions greater adoption of sustainable technology ahead of the World Economic
- More collaboration and innovative technologies essential for combining business and environmental goals, company claims- Company executives, including CEO, to participate in cross-sector meetings and panel discussions
Rueil-Malmaison, France, Jan. 15, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Schneider Electric, the global leader in energy management and automation, and recognized sustainability leader, will play an active role at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2025 (WEF), advocating for more collaboration to increase uptake of energy technologies and automation solutions.
The annual meeting gathers global leaders from all sectors to address the world's most urgent challenges. This year, it emphasizes stronger collaboration to address geopolitical dynamics, while stimulating growth and stewarding a just energy transition. Schneider Electric is firmly aligned with the WEF’s call to action. The company has long worked across multiple industries and sectors, helping clients and partners reduce environmental impacts along their value chain, while improving efficiency and resilience.
Recently, Schneider Electric released two key reports, The Looming Power Crunch; Solutions for Data Center Expansion in an Energy-Constrained World from its Energy Management Research Center, and Artificial Intelligence for Energy Transition from its Sustainability Research Institute. These reports outline strategies for addressing the challenges of an energy-constrained world and ensuring expansion is both sustainable and economically viable. They also define a strategy for integrating AI seamlessly into our infrastructure to achieve substantial decarbonization in the energy sector. Olivier Blum, CEO of Schneider Electric, during the IEA global conference in December 2024, advocated that it is possible to leverage innovations in AI to deliver greater efficiency, resilience, and security simultaneously while ensuring smart and sustainable management.
Schneider Electric now calls for harnessing the momentum around AI to accelerate the adoption of existing technologies such as end-to-end AI data center solutions or AI powered HVAC in buildings. The company states that this will facilitate a successful energy transition and drive the development of smart industries.
According to a WEF report, reducing energy usage with existing technologies alone could lower energy intensity by 31% and generate annual savings exceeding $2 trillion USD by 2030. To deploy technology at scale, Schneider Electric emphasizes stronger partnerships and enhancing efficiency at the industry level.
"Sustainability and economic growth can go hand-in-hand," says Olivier Blum, CEO, Schneider Electric. “By forging strategic partnerships, companies can leverage innovation and technology at hand to increase their performance while delivering meaningful impacts and a better future for all.”
Company executives in attendance
From January 20 to 24, participants at WEF’s Annual Meeting can engage with Schneider Electric's experts in both public and private panel discussions. These sessions will focus on practical strategies for implementation, return on investment, and real-world case studies that highlight the benefits and successes of sustainable projects.
- Olivier Blum, Chief Executive Officer, Schneider Electric
- Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman, Schneider Electric
- Aamir Paul, President of North America Operations, Schneider Electric
- Barbara Frei, EVP, Industrial Automation, Schneider Electric
- Caspar Herzberg, CEO, AVEVA & Member of the Executive Committee, Schneider Electric
- Chris Leong, Chief Sustainability Officer, Schneider Electric
- Deepak Sharma, Managing Director & CEO, Zone President Greater India, Schneider Electric
- Pankaj Sharma, Executive Vice President, Data Centers & Networks, Schneider Electric
For any media inquiry, please reach out to
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