Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners launches 800MW green hydrogen project in Northern Germany
Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and Friesen Elektra Green Energy AG have launched project Anker, a green hydrogen production facility in Sande, Lower Saxony, Germany
COPENHAGEN, Denmark , Jan. 15, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP), through its Energy Transition Fund (CI ETF I), and Friesen Elektra Green Energy AG (Friesen Elektra) have initiated project Anker, a green hydrogen production facility in Sande, Germany. The project is scheduled to have an electrolysis capacity of 400 MW with plans to expand capacity to 800 MW at a later stage.
Project Anker is strategically located near Wilhelmshaven, an important energy and industrial hub, and near the future German hydrogen core network. It is projected to produce 80,000 tons of green hydrogen annually which will benefit key German industries, including steel and chemicals, as well as the transport sector. The project will bolster the regional economy in Lower Saxony by creating new jobs, growth and fostering active community engagement.
Project Anker will be powered by renewable energy from the grid, supported by offshore and onshore wind, as well as solar energy. By substituting fossil fuels with green hydrogen, the project can reduce CO₂ emissions by up to 2.4 million tons annually, equivalent to the emissions of approximately 340,000 households.
“Project Anker has the potential to make an important contribution to Germany’s journey towards a carbon-neutral future. At CIP, we continue to see a large potential in green hydrogen despite slower than expected market development and we remain committed to investments in large-scale renewable infrastructure solutions to decarbonize energy-intensive industries. We look very much forward to bring the project to realization together with our new partners at Friesen Elektra and to a constructive collaboration with the German authorities.” said Felix Pahl, Partner at CIP
“We are delighted to welcome CIP and its highly skilled, experienced team as a strategic investor and development partner in our Hydrogen Park Friesland. This collaboration is a major step towards creating one of Germany’s premier hydrogen production sites. Together, we aim to accelerate the energy transition and advance decarbonization by leveraging our combined strengths and expertise,” said Christian Gätje, CFO of Friesen Elektra.
CIP’s Energy Transition Fund I (CI ETF I) is the largest dedicated greenfield green hydrogen fund worldwide. CI ETF I has built a market leading portfolio of Power-to-X projects, with around 6.5 GW of electrolyser capacity in its development portfolio globally.
About Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
Founded in 2012, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners P/S (CIP) today is the world’s largest dedicated fund manager within greenfield renewable energy investments and a global leader in offshore wind. The funds managed by CIP focus on investments in offshore and onshore wind, solar PV, biomass and energy-from-waste, transmission and distribution, reserve capacity, storage, advanced bioenergy, and Power-to-X.
CIP manages 12 funds and has to date raised approximately EUR 31 billion for investments in energy and associated infrastructure from more than 180 international institutional investors. CIP has approximately 500 employees and 12 offices around the world. For more information, visit
For further information, please contact:
Oliver Routhe Skov, Head of Media Relations
Phone: +45 30541227
Thomas Kønig, Partner – Investor Relations
Phone: +45 7070 5151
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