WillScot Announces Partnership as Preferred Temporary Space Provider for the Los Angeles Rams
Provides State-of-the-Art Temporary Practice Facility in Woodland Hills, CA
PHOENIX and WOODLAND HILLS, Calif., Jan. 16, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WillScot Holdings Corporation (“WillScot” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: WSC), a leader in innovative temporary space solutions, announced that it is now the preferred temporary space provider of the Los Angeles Rams, following the completion of the team’s state-of-the-art practice facility in Woodland Hills, comprised of 65,000 square feet of highly configured modular space. The site, which began development in February 2024 and was completed in August 2024, will continue to serve as the Los Angeles Rams temporary practice facility in Woodland Hills, CA.
The purposefully designed facility is constructed with WillScot’s prefabricated, relocatable structures. WillScot’s unrivaled design, engineering and installation experts worked closely with the Los Angeles Rams to create a space that delivers an optimal day-to-day experience for coaches, players and staff. A video highlighting the unique characteristics of the project can be viewed here.
Once plans for the facility were approved, WillScot teams from two local offices in Southern California mobilized units from its branch network, which manages approximately 135 million square feet of relocatable space on behalf of 85,000 customers across North America. WillScot configured the space to the Rams’ specifications and completed installation in just two and a half months in time for the 2024 season. From coaches’ offices and team meeting rooms outfitted with the latest technology, to specialized athletic training and recovery spaces, locker rooms, a media room and a meal room, the headquarters offer a dynamic and functional environment tailored to the unique needs of this championship organization.
“Since the Rams moved back home to Los Angeles in 2016, we have relied on WillScot to provide a variety of modular solutions for our team,” said Los Angeles Rams Vice President, Football & Business Administration Tony Pastoors. “WillScot has a reputation for handling large space projects and a proven track record of getting the job done quickly, so we knew they would be the right teammate for this job. We are pleased to have WillScot as a member of our family of partners and grateful to them for creating the space where our team can continue to work to bring another championship back to Los Angeles.”
Tim Boswell, WillScot’s President and Chief Operating Officer, commented, “We are thrilled to partner with the Los Angeles Rams to deliver the right space solution for this premier NFL franchise. The facility is truly impressive and representative of the unrivaled capabilities that we bring for our clients, following just a few months of close collaboration to understand, design, and meet the Rams’ unique requirements for the space, as well as the project timeline. After working with the Rams on their previous temporary office facility in Thousand Oaks in 2016, we appreciate the trust from the Rams to bring this new space and phase of our partnership to life.”
Boswell continued, “We recognize this is a particularly devastating time for the broader LA community, as our first responders work tirelessly to contain the wildfires and we all begin to assess the path to recovery. Through this new partnership, we’ll look to build on the Rams’ leadership position in the community, our longstanding relationships with disaster support organizations like the American Red Cross, and WillScot’s extensive history supporting disaster response efforts with our expertise in temporary facilities.”
About WillScot
Listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the ticker symbol “WSC,” WillScot is the premier provider of highly innovative and turnkey space solutions in North America. The Company’s comprehensive range of products includes modular office complexes, mobile offices, classrooms, temporary restrooms, portable storage containers, protective buildings and climate-controlled units, and clearspan structures, as well as a curated selection of furnishings, appliances, and other supplementary services, ensuring turnkey solutions for its customers. Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, and operating from a network of approximately 260 branch locations and additional drop lots across the United States, Canada, and Mexico, WillScot’s business services are essential for diverse customer segments spanning all sectors of the economy.
Additional information can be found on the company's website at www.willscot.com.
About Los Angeles Rams
The Los Angeles Rams – Los Angeles' original professional sports team and Super Bowl LVI Champions – stand as one of the oldest franchises in the National Football League and since its founding in 1937, have garnered four World Championships and sent 30 of its members to the Pro Football Hall of Fame. As a professional sports team, the organization is committed to be a valuable civic partner and serving the greater Los Angeles area 365 days a year. The Rams play their home games at SoFi Stadium, which is located at Hollywood Park, a 298-acre sports and entertainment destination owned, being developed and operated by Los Angeles Rams Owner/Chairman E. Stanley Kroenke in Inglewood, CA.
Contact Information
WillScot media inquiries:
Juliana Welling
Los Angeles Rams media inquiries:
Priya Bhambri
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