Spine-Tingling “Chains of Eternity” Seasonal Content Update for The Multi-Award-Winning AFK Journey
Do You Feel That Icy Chill? The New Horror-Themed Update For Farlight Games' Free-To-Play Fantasy RPG Is More Than Meets The Eye…
Do You Feel That Icy Chill? The New Horror-Themed Update For Farlight Games' Free-To-Play Fantasy RP, Jan. 17, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, Farlight Games, the global publishing brand of Lilith Games, welcomes players of AFK Journey — the multi-award-winning sequel to the global smash hit AFK Arena — to a spooky season filled with thrills and chills. AFK Journey's Chains of Eternity seasonal content update is available now for players of the free-to-play fantasy RPG across PC and mobile platforms.
Wait— something doesn't feel right in the Duchy of Whiteridge. Let dread settle into your bones as you experience AFK Journey's latest update, where all are bound by the chains of eternity…
Imbued with horror-thriller elements throughout, Chains of Eternity invites players to enjoy a captivating winter tale of friendship, betrayal, and redemption set against a festive yet sinister backdrop. The new update introduces Cedartown's Snowspire Festival in the Duchy of
Whiteridge — a seemingly joyful celebration that conceals a dark secret. Players will uncover a twisted mystery in an adventure set within new zones for exploration, complete with exciting new gameplay options!
With complex new characters and unexpected story twists, this update is an ideal re-entry point for players seeking rich storytelling and challenging battles. Players who have reached a Resonance Level of 240 or above can enjoy the new season, and a handy catch-up system enables returning players to quickly meet the requirements to participate in the new season.
Who will prevail in the end? Play to find out! Don't forget to use code “AFKJICESEASON” to unlock exclusive awards! To learn more about the Chains of Eternity update, check out the latest AFK Journey development blog post from Farlight Games at: https://afkjourney-news.farlightgames.com/en/detail/79.
Watch the AFK Journey — Chains of Eternity Introductionary Trailer Here:
YouTube | Download
Watch the AFK Journey — Chains of Eternity Story Trailer Here:
YouTube | Download
AFK Journey is a cross-platform RPG available on both PC and mobile that blends strategic gameplay with idle mechanics, allowing players to progress even when offline.
Set in a richly crafted fantasy world, players collect and level up unique heroes, forming teams to tackle challenging dungeons, campaigns, and PvP battles. The game emphasizes strategy, requiring thoughtful hero combinations and tactical decisions to maximize success. Its stunning visuals, engaging storyline, and rewarding idle gameplay make it appealing for casual and dedicated RPG enthusiasts.
Since its multiplatform release on March 27, 2024, AFK Journey has received multiple awards and nominations, including being named recipient of both the Google Play “Best Game of 2024” and the Apple App Store “Best iPhone Game of the Year” awards. AFK Journey has been installed over sixteen million times by fans around the world.
AFK Journey Key Features:
- Canvas Art Style Meets Fantasy: Explore a world that looks like a fantasy picture book brought to life through an art style we call “live canvas.”
- Unlock And Upgrade By Going AFK: Forget having to grind away at levels. While you're away, you earn rewards and level up your characters.
- Worlds and Wonder On Multiple Screens: Take AFK Journey with you on your favorite mobile device and then seamlessly continue your progress at home on your PC.
- Master Battlefield Strategies: A hex battle map allows you to assemble your hero lineup and strategically position them freely. Choose between a bold strategy centered around a powerful main damage dealer or a more balanced team. Witness different outcomes as you experiment with various hero formations.
- Journey With The Heroes Of Esperia: Recruit dozens of unique heroes. AFK Arena fans may recognize some familiar faces, while plenty are all new to this adventure.
- Seasonal Updates: AFK Journey releases regular and seasonal updates to address player feedback and enhance the gaming experience. Events like The Song of Strife and Waves of Intrigue showcase our efforts to bring our players fresh, exciting, and engaging content. The latest seasonal update, Chains of Eternity, introduces a chilling new adventure (in more ways than one).
AFK Journey is free to download on the official website for Windows PC and Android and iOS devices via Google Play and the Apple App Store.
A full press kit containing screenshots, logos, trailers, and key art is available here: https://uberstrategist.link/AFK-Journey-Press-Kit.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/3d14b218-81dd-43b7-b49c-33535ce84f73
A video accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/abcfdd18-8f4a-42a6-a559-3e1786184ab1
About Farlight Games
Headquartered in Singapore, Farlight Games is a newly established game publishing company and the global publishing brand of Lilith Games, a globally-recognized developer based in Shanghai, China. The establishment of Farlight Games marks a leap forward in the team's pursuit of delivering local experiences to their players. In 2022, the company published Dislyte under the Farlight Games brand, and it has since been available in more than 200 countries with over 1.2 million downloads within the first week of launch. AFK Journey, released in March 2024, marked a new high watermark for the company.
For more information and additional assets, please visit https://afkjourney.farlightgames.com.
CJ Melendez and Jordanne Laurito
ÜberStrategist Inc.
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