Axi Launches New Edge Score Explainer to Empower Traders with Personalised Insights and Performance
SYDNEY, Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Axi, a leading global provider of online trading services, is excited to announce the launch of a new and enhanced feature for its Axi Select program: the Edge Score Explainer. Designed to offer Axi Select traders deeper, more actionable insights into their trading performance, this dynamic tool will help users optimise their strategies and sharpen their trading skills.
The Axi Select program launched by Axi last year, is specifically crafted to empower traders by offering them a pathway to access capital funding up to $1,000,000 USD and facilitating their progression into professional trading. Setting a new precedent within the industry, Axi Select offers traders the exceptional advantage to join the program with zero registration fees, as well as the opportunity to earn up to 90% of their profits.
The Edge Score is key for AS traders–it plays a crucial role in advancing through the stages of the program, and it offers personalised insights to help traders improve their trading performance. However, until now, the specific factors influencing this score have not always been immediately clear. With the launch of the Edge Score Explainer, traders will now have access to personalized, real-time insights that clarify what’s driving their score and how they can improve it.
Key Features of the Edge Score Explainer:
- Personalized Insights: The Edge Score Explainer delivers tailored suggestions for improving your score, helping traders identify weaknesses and, ultimately, achieve higher scores.
- Real-Time Updates: This feature updates dynamically, reflecting changes in trading behavior and providing an up-to-date view of your performance.
- Clear Performance Metrics: The explainer highlights the top three behaviors that most impact your score, making it easier to focus on the right areas for improvement.
- Actionable Data: Traders can now see the specific points they can gain and the highest possible score they can achieve, empowering them to improve their trading performance and achieve higher scores.
"We've heard from our traders that understanding and improving the Edge Score was a challenge, and we're thrilled to offer this new explainer feature to help our users navigate their performance more effectively," said Greg Rubin, Head of Axi Select at Axi. "Our goal is to make it easier for traders to improve their results with clear, actionable insights, and the Edge Score Explainer is a helpful tool to support this process."
The Edge Score Explainer is now available to all Axi Select traders and can be accessed through the Axi Client Portal.
The Axi Select program is exclusively available to clients of AxiTrader Limited. CFDs carry a high risk of investment loss. This content is not available for residents of AU, NZ, EU, or the UK. Standard trading fees apply. For more details, please refer to our Terms of Service.
About Axi
Axi is a global leader in online trading, offering traders of all levels access to cutting-edge tools, resources, and market insights to enhance their trading experience. As a trusted provider in the trading industry, Axi is committed to delivering innovative solutions that empower its clients to achieve their trading goals.
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