Council of Parties Appoints Ambassador Almeida - Ribeiro as KAICIID Acting Secretary-General
Council of Parties Appoints Ambassador Almeida - Ribeiro as KAICIID Acting Secretary-General
Lisbon, Portugal, Jan. 21, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The member states of the Council of Parties of the King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) – which include the Republic of Austria, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Kingdom of Spain, and the Vatican State as a founding observer, alongside the Republic of Portugal as a guest and host state – have appointed His Excellency Ambassador António de Almeida - Ribeiro as Acting Secretary General of the International Dialogue Centre – KAICIID, effective January 2025.
Expressing his gratitude for the trust placed in him, His Excellency stated: “In today's evolving global landscape, the Centre plays a crucial role in advancing and promoting the values of peace, tolerance, and moderation through dialogue among followers of different religions and cultures. KAICIID will continue to work closely with international partners to achieve this important mission.”
Ambassador Almeida - Ribeiro added: “I commend the significant accomplishments that KAICIID has achieved since its founding, building a credible and trusted international organization dedicated to spreading peace through interreligious and intercultural dialogue, despite the challenges it has encountered. Looking ahead, the Centre is determined to build on this success, enhancing and expanding its impact through programmes and projects in the regions it serves worldwide. KAICIID will strengthen its role as a vital international organization driven by unique humanitarian strategies, uniting religious leaders, policymakers, communities, and governments across nations. Our shared goal is to work collaboratively with partners to uphold human dignity and protect the universal right to life, progress, and development.”
Ambassador António de Almeida - Ribeiro, KAICIID's Acting Secretary General, is a distinguished Portuguese diplomat. A graduate of the Faculty of Law (Legal and Political Sciences) at the University of Coimbra in 1976, he began his career at the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1979. Over the years, he has held numerous key positions in the Portuguese MoFA and abroad, including serving as ambassador to Argentina, Egypt, the Vatican, and Austria, as well as permanent representative to international organizations in Vienna, among other prestigious global roles.
In recognition of his diplomatic service, Ambassador Almeida - Ribeiro has received numerous honours, including from countries such as Portugal, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Italy, France, Jordan, Peru and the Sovereign Order of Malta.
Yvonne Baraza - Media Relations
International Dialogue Centre - KAICIID
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