Jannik Sinner Stars in new De Cecco Pasta Campaign
Two Italian icons unite in a captivating advertising campaign: Jannik Sinner, the world's top-ranked tennis player, and De Cecco pasta. Created by Pomilio Blumm using the innovative "Narrative Matching" technique, the campaign celebrates shared values of passion, attention to detail, and the ability to select the best from around the globe – qualities embodied by both the athlete and the renowned pasta brand.
The new series of adverts premiered during the Australian Open in Melbourne and is being aired across multiple channels – from TV to social media. Its aim is to tell a story that goes beyond traditional advertising. With Sinner, the campaign explores a fresh narrative style, representing an ambitious, multi-year project set to evolve with new phases and content starting in 2025.
The broadcast films, conceptualised as authentic "value-based biopics," showcase a genuine and unprecedented side of Sinner. The storytelling focuses on methodology and meticulous attention to detail, two key concepts shared by both the athlete and the brand.
Directed by Ago Panini, who has worked with international stars such as Julia Roberts, Penelope Cruz, and Patrick Dempsey, the campaign achieves a sophisticated yet emotionally engaging visual language. Filmed just before the ATP Finals in Turin, the adverts reveal a truly unique portrayal of Sinner. Pomilio Blumm's goal was to create an atypical narrative within traditional media channels, capturing attention and fostering emotional connection.
The creative team at Pomilio Blumm has also launched the “Narrative Club,” a new initiative dedicated to ambassadors of international entrepreneurial excellence. The “Narrative Club” aims to become a benchmark for entities representing the quality and prestige of Italian products.
A multidisciplinary team, including media centre MCM, production house Smart-Factory, and various digital professionals, developed the campaign across 25 different formats. This co-designed project, backed by significant investment, targets Italy as the primary market while supporting De Cecco's broader international growth strategy. Jannik Sinner, as Global Ambassador, offers a rapidly growing presence and visibility in key markets worldwide.
The investments have been strategically aligned with the ambassador's influence, aiming for continued growth. The project aligns with De Cecco Group's ambitious plans, which have thrived despite global challenges. The company reported revenues exceeding €680 million in 2024, an 8% increase from 2023, and unveiled a five-year plan targeting €1 billion in turnover. This positions De Cecco to consolidate its growth and strategy further.
Pomilio Blumm, meanwhile, closed 2024 with an 18% increase in revenue, achieving national accolades across major rankings, including Il Sole 24 Ore and Repubblica Affari & Finanza. The agency was also recognised among Italy's top 150 “Winning Companies.”
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