Malaysia Makes Historic Debut in World's Best Hospitals 2024 by Newsweek
Solidifying Its Position as a Leading Medical Tourism Hub
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, March 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a monumental achievement for the nation, two Malaysian hospitals have been recognised in the highly respected Newsweek & Statista's World's Best Hospitals 2024. This marks Malaysia's first-ever inclusion, signifying a pivotal moment in its journey towards becoming a global leader in medical tourism.
The listed hospitals, Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur and Sunway Medical Centre are esteemed members of the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC), demonstrating the hospitals firm commitment to elevating the quality of healthcare and attracting international patients by providing exceptional care and world-class facilities to patients from around the world.
Over 80,000 medical professionals, including doctors, hospital managers, and healthcare experts from 30 countries, participated in the survey. The rigorous evaluation process involved recommendations based on expertise, experience, peer recognition, patient outcomes, hygiene, patient safety, and advanced medical technology. This inclusion in the World's Best Hospitals Survey underscores the exceptional standards of Malaysian healthcare institutions and their growing reputation amongst the global medical community.
In addition, MHTC is also proud to announce that 20 out of 30 hospitals that made it into the World’s Best Hospitals 2024 (Malaysia) list are MHTC’s members hospitals. The hospitals are:
Ara Damansara Medical Centre | KPJ Puteri Specialist Hospital |
Aurelius Hospital Nilai | Mahkota Medical Centre |
Beacon Hospital | Pantai Hospital Ayer Keroh |
Gleneagles Hospital Penang | Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur |
Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur | Pantai Hospital Penang |
Institut Jantung Negara – Cardiology | ParkCity Medical Centre |
Island Hospital | Penang Adventist Hospital |
KPJ Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital | Prince Court Medical Centre |
KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital | Subang Jaya Medical Centre |
KPJ Johor Specialist Hospital-Cardiology, Oncology & Fertility | Sunway Medical Centre |
KPJ Penang Specialist Hospital | |
Dr. Mohamed Ali Abu Bakar, Chief Executive Officer of MHTC, expressed immense pride on this achievement, stating, "This recognition serves as a testament to the dedication and expertise of our healthcare professionals, as well as the continuous advancements being made in our healthcare infrastructure and patient care protocols. It significantly strengthens Malaysia's position as a leading destination for medical tourism. International patients can now be confident in choosing Malaysia for high-quality, affordable, and internationally accredited healthcare services delivered with compassion and cultural sensitivity."
The inclusion in this prestigious survey goes beyond mere recognition. It presents a strategic opportunity for Malaysia to further solidify its position as a preferred destination for medical tourism. By leveraging this recognition strategically, Malaysia can attract more patients from around the world seeking top-notch medical care along with enriching cultural experiences. This symbiotic relationship not only boosts the economy but also enhances Malaysia's global reputation as a well-rounded destination for both healthcare and tourism.
This momentous achievement paves the way for continued advancements in the Malaysian healthcare sector, attracting investments, fostering innovation, and ultimately enhancing the overall patient experience. With a commitment to excellence and a growing international reputation, Malaysia is poised to become the premier choice for healthcare travellers seeking superior medical care and exceptional value.
The full list of World’s Best Hospitals can be found here while the list for World’s Best Hospitals (Malaysia) can be found here
For more information on Malaysia Healthcare and its services, please visit or visit our social feeds at: or at LinkedIn (Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council).
For media enquiries:
Chandrika Bhaskaran Senior Manager, Communications Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council |
Falliq Effendy Manager, Communications Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council |
The Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) is a government agency under the Ministry of Health Malaysia that has been entrusted with the responsibility of facilitating and promoting the country’s healthcare travel industry, recognised as a key export service sector for the country. Founded in 2009, MHTC works to streamline industry players and service providers in facilitating and growing Malaysia’s healthcare travel industry under the brand “Malaysia Healthcare” with the intended goal of making Malaysia the leading global healthcare destination. MHTC works closely with over 90 private healthcare facilities in Malaysia, who are registered members of MHTC.
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:
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