Workplace Options Unveils Comprehensive & Compassionate Return-to-Work Program for Cancer Surviv
A new approach to holistic support, empowering employees and equipping managers for successful reintegration
RALEIGH, N.C., Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Returning to work after a cancer diagnosis is a journey fraught with challenges—physical fatigue, emotional hurdles, and workplace reintegration complexities. To bridge this critical gap, Workplace Options (WPO), a global leader in holistic health and employee engagement solutions, introduces the Return to Work: Cancer Care Compass Program. This is the first global, inclusive program designed to provide unparalleled support for employees recovering from cancer and the managers who guide them through their transition back to work.
The Challenges of Returning to Work After Cancer
For employees recovering from cancer, the return-to-work journey often includes:
- Physical fatigue and cognitive difficulties impacting day-to-day productivity.
- Emotional challenges such as anxiety, fear of judgment, or stigma in the workplace.
- Uncertainty about navigating workplace dynamics and performance expectations.
Employers, too, face challenges in understanding how to provide meaningful support while balancing business priorities. Managers may struggle with designing flexible accommodations or fostering team inclusivity.
How the Cancer Care Compass Program Addresses These Challenges
The Return to Work: Cancer Care Compass Program is purpose-built to tackle these specific hurdles with a holistic, multi-layered approach:
- Emotional and Psychological Support: Up to 18 counseling sessions, combined with mindfulness sessions, help employees build resilience and manage stress.
- Vocational Reintegration: 12 tailored coaching sessions with a Coordinator of Occupational Reintegration and Adaptation (CORAT), a specialist who guides employees in setting achievable goals, enhancing skills, and addressing workplace challenges.
- Functional Assessments and Work-Life Searches: CORAT specialists evaluate employees' holistic needs and connect them to essential resources, including dietary consultations, physical rehabilitation, mobility aids, and complementary therapies such as acupuncture or therapeutic yoga.
- Seamless Manager Collaboration: CORAT specialists facilitate communication between employees and managers, ensuring accommodation and reintegration plans are aligned with the needs of both parties.
Empowering Managers to Lead with Confidence and Compassion
The Cancer Care Compass Program recognizes that managers play a pivotal role in fostering a compassionate and inclusive workplace. The program provides:
- Unlimited Manager Consultations: CORAT specialists offer expert guidance on workplace accommodation and flexible reintegration plans.
- Manager Toolkit: A three-chapter guide offering practical strategies for every stage of reintegration:
- Prepare: Understanding cancer treatments, legal compliance, and flexible planning.
- Act: Implementing accommodations, managing team dynamics, and conducting check-ins.
- Support: Sustaining emotional and practical support for employees and teams while encouraging self-care for managers.
"Managers are the architects of an inclusive and psychologically safe workplace culture," explains Dr. Kennette Harris, Chief Clinical Officer at Workplace Options. "This program equips them with specific tools to create environments where employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to be their best self.”
What Sets Workplace Options Apart
Unlike traditional programs that focus solely on medical recovery, WPO's Cancer Care Compass Program emphasizes vocational reintegration and resilience-building. Its unique features include:
- A Single Point of Coordination: CORAT specialists serve as a central resource for employees and managers, streamlining the reintegration process.
- Global Adaptability: The program's scalable design ensures it meets the diverse cultural and regulatory needs of organizations worldwide.
- A Holistic Focus: By addressing physical, emotional, and professional dimensions, the program ensures a sustainable return to work.
Seamless Integration with Existing Policies
The Cancer Care Compass Program complements an organization's existing employee assistance and wellbeing program. By aligning with workplace policies, it enhances support systems while addressing employees' unique challenges and fostering an inclusive environment.
A Commitment to Cancer Recovery and Workplace Inclusion
As a signatory of the Working with Cancer Pledge, WPO is dedicated to creating workplaces where cancer survivors feel valued and empowered at every stage of recovery.
“Cancer recovery isn't just about surviving—it's about thriving,” said Alan King, President and CEO of Workplace Options. “Through WPO's Cancer Care Compass Program, we're helping employees return to work with confidence and helping businesses create cultures of care that last.”
About Workplace Options:
Founded in 1982, Workplace Options (WPO) is the largest independent provider of holistic well-being solutions. Through customized programs, and a comprehensive global network of credentialed providers and professionals, WPO supports individuals to become healthier, happier, and more productive both personally and professionally. Trusted by 50 percent of Fortune 500 companies, WPO delivers high-quality care digitally and in-person to more than 88 million people across 127,000 organizations in more than 200 countries and territories.
Contact: Jennifer Dart, Senior Corporate Communications Manager
A video accompanying this announcement is available at
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