Newton DAO Announces the Launch of Newton Finance Blockchain (NewFi)
Newton DAO is excited to announce the launch of a new sidechain, the Newton Finance Blockchain (NewFi), to drive innovation in global payments, decentralized finance (DeFi), and real-world asset (RWA) applications. This marks a significant milestone in the evolution of the Newton ecosystem as it seeks to empower developers and users with enhanced blockchain capabilities.
As part of this initiative, the existing blockchain will be renamed Newton Core. The overall economic model of the project will remain unchanged, and there will be no increase in the total supply of the platform’s native token, NEW. The total supply of NEW will remain fixed, ensuring the sustainability and integrity of the ecosystem.
NewFi is fully compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), allowing seamless integration with all EVM-compatible wallets. This compatibility makes it easy for users and developers to interact with NewFi and expand the range of DeFi applications within the ecosystem.
NewFi boasts ultra-high transaction speeds and the capacity to handle a significant number of transactions, making it ideal for deploying and operating next-generation applications. The enhanced performance of NewFi will provide developers with the tools they need to build scalable and efficient blockchain-based solutions.
To ensure seamless interoperability, NewFi and Newton Core will be bridged through NewBridge, a cross-chain solution that allows the free transfer of NEW tokens between the two blockchains. This connectivity will create a unified ecosystem, enabling users to leverage the strengths of both chains for various use cases.
Newton DAO remains committed to its mission of building a decentralized infrastructure for the community's benefit. The launch of NewFi is a testament to Newton DAO’s dedication to innovation and its efforts to drive blockchain adoption on a global scale.
Newton DAO will gradually announce its development plans and milestones. We welcome you to join the Newton DAO community and stay updated with the latest news. You can learn more through the following channels:
Official Website:
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