Atari Warns the Public that the RealPongCoin is Not Affiliated with Atari
The RealPongCoin or $PONG is using Atari's registered trademark without Atari's consent or approval and the company has no affiliation with the crypto project
NEW YORK, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Atari® — has today announced that RealPongCoin or $PONG is using Atari's registered PONG trademark without Atari's consent or approval and the company has no affiliation with the crypto project. Atari is warning the public that RealPongCoin risks deceiving consumers by suggesting an affiliation with Atari, and that Atari's legal team is actively reviewing measures to stop the misuse of its intellectual property.
About Atari
Atari is an interactive entertainment company and an iconic gaming industry brand that transcends generations and audiences. The company is globally recognized for its multi-platform, interactive entertainment, and licensed products. Atari owns and/or manages a portfolio of more than 200 unique games and franchises, including world-renowned brands like Asteroids®, Centipede®, Missile Command®, Pong®, and RollerCoaster Tycoon®. The Atari family of brands includes game developers Digital Eclipse and Nightdive Studios, the publishing label Infogrames, and the community-based sites AtariAge and MobyGames. Atari has offices in New York and Paris. Visit us online at
Atari shares are listed in France on Euronext Growth Paris (ISIN Code FR0010478248, Ticker ALATA) and OTC Pink Current (Ticker PONGF).
©2025 Atari Interactive, Inc. Atari wordmark and logo are trademarks owned by Atari Interactive, Inc.
CJ Melendez, Ron Burgess, Tabitha Beidleman, and Jordanne Laurito
ÜberStrategist Inc.
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