CT Semiconductor completes the first “SEED TRAINING” course on ATP semiconductor chips
HANOI, Vietnam, Jan. 24, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CT Semiconductor - a member of CT Group, officially concluded the first “Seed Training - Train for the Trainer” course on ATP (Assembly, Test, and Packaging) of semiconductor chips. The course took place from January 13 to 19, 2025, at the National Innovation Center (NIC), Hanoi.
The course was organized with the goal of collaborating with the Government to develop high-quality human resources in the semiconductor industry. This aligns with the direction set forth in Decision No.1018/QĐ-TTg by the Prime Minister on the Strategy for the Development of Vietnam's Semiconductor Industry to 2030, vision towards 2050.
CT Semiconductor's "Seed Training - Train for the Trainer" course
The course was designed and included direct instruction from foreign experts with over 20 years of experience in the industry. A highlight of the program is that all participants received full support from CT Semiconductor for tuition, living expenses, and transportation. This demonstrates the company's strong commitment to contributing to the sustainable development of Vietnam's semiconductor industry, while aligning closely with the Government's strategy for the industry's growth.
Dr. Le Xuan Luc (University of Technology, University of Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi - PhD in Nano IT Fusion Engineering) expressed: “Participating in the first ‘Seed Training - Train for the Trainer' course, I find this course extremely meaningful. CT Semiconductor's bold and pioneering support in training high-level and practical students in IC chip testing, assembly, and packaging is a long-term strategy that spreads motivation nationwide for the robust development of Vietnam's semiconductor ecosystem. This is a practical action that brings significant benefits since Vietnam has identified science and technology as the core in its growth.”
Representative from the National Innovation Center (NIC) shared: “Each course like ‘Seed Training - Train for the Trainer' will be the first stepping stone to create a skillful workforce to meet the enormous demands of the domestic and international semiconductor industry. CT Semiconductor's role in leading human resource training initiatives will contribute to the national goal of having 50,000 engineers and bachelors serving the semiconductor industry by 2030.”
CT Semiconductor's representative added: “We understand that human resources are the key to realizing the vision of making Vietnam a leading semiconductor technology hub in the region. With this course, CT Semiconductor not only meets the workforce needs of our factories but also supports foreign semiconductor companies investing and expanding their operations in Vietnam. This is part of a long-term strategy to ensure that Vietnam is not only a destination for investment projects but also a provider of high-quality human resources that meet international standards.”
The course by CT Semiconductor is a strategic step in developing high-quality human resources for Vietnam's semiconductor industry. With thorough investment in education and technology development, CT Semiconductor is contributing to build a sustainable foundation for the semiconductor industry, joining hands to gradually make Vietnam an important semiconductor technology hub in the region and the world.
Email: info@ctsemiconductor.com
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