Rimini Street Announces Rimini Protect™ Advanced Hypervisor Security
Rimini Street Announces Rimini Protect™ Advanced Hypervisor Security for VMware, Nutanix and All Other Linux-Based Hypervisors, Powered by Vali Cyber®, to Safeguard Against Ransomware and Other Vulnerabilities
Rimini Protect Advanced Hypervisor Security is embedded into the industry-leading Rimini Support™ for VMware solution that replaces VMware annual maintenance at substantial savings and extends the supportable lifespan of existing VMware licenses for many years
LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a global provider of end-to-end enterprise software support and innovation solutions, the leading third-party support provider for Oracle, SAP and VMware software, today announced the general availability of Rimini Protect™ Advanced Hypervisor Security (AHS), an exclusive solution powered by proven Vali Cyber® AI/ML security technology. The Rimini Protect AHS solution leverages these innovative capabilities that are already protecting mission-critical hypervisor infrastructure, including US military VMware deployments.
The Rimini Protect AHS solution combines Vali Cyber technology with Rimini Street’s professional hardening, installation, and managed services. This solution creates a secure, locked-down hypervisor environment, 24/7/365, allowing businesses to manage hypervisor risk in a manner that was previously unavailable in the market.
Hypervisor Exploits Can Have Devastating Impacts
Ransomware attacks are at an all-time high as of December of 2024.1 The number of victims has risen by 43% from Q3 to Q4 of 2024 and is up 47% YoY from 2023 to 2024. Ransomware payments have also shot up from a median of $199 thousand in early 2023 to $1.5 million in June of 2024.2
Exploits against hypervisors can be particularly devastating, compromising all the virtual machines running on a single hypervisor. A hypervisor, also known as a virtual machine monitor, is software that creates, runs, and manages virtual machines. One hypervisor can manage dozens of virtual machines3, which are essential for handling critical business workflows and processes. If an exploit compromises a hypervisor, it could gain access to all the virtual machines on that host and their data. CrowdStrike reaffirmed this risk in a recent blog post:
“More and more threat actors are recognizing that the lack of security tools, lack of adequate network segmentation of ESXi interfaces, and ITW vulnerabilities for ESXi create a target-rich environment.”4
Groundbreaking Protection for VMware ESXi and All Linux-Based Hypervisors
Rimini Protect AHS offers protection for VMware ESXi, Nutanix, XenServer, Citrix Hypervisor, Proxmox, Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV), and all Linux-based KVM hypervisors. The Rimini solution protects against security breaches with these key, unique features:
- AI/ML Technology: Runtime protection solution that uses AI/ML behavioral-based detection techniques to detect file and in-memory malware with high efficacy. It automatically remediates file damage without human intervention, delivering resilience to the business. Proprietary algorithms are designed to identify and stop both traditional and in-memory attacks in real-time.
- MFA: Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as a solution to help to protect against potentially stolen credentials in connected and air-gapped environment to provide alerts and prevent unauthorized access attempts. Credential theft, often obtained through unethical methods such as phishing campaigns or poor credential management, has led to a record increase in security breaches of hypervisors and underlying systems.
- Process Control: Prevents living off the land attacks as well as processes from escaping their designated environments, such as virtual machines or containers used for containerized applications. This protection keeps exploits from “escaping” into the underlying hypervisor, thereby safeguarding the entire filesystem from being encrypted or exported.
Rimini Protect AHS Provides Peace of Mind
Rimini Protect AHS for VMware is supported by Rimini Street’s renowned Global Security Services team comprised of dozens of security specialists globally, available 24/7/365.
“With an ever-changing threat landscape and evolving attack methodologies, we continue to innovate our advanced security solutions with the latest technologies such as AI/ML behavioral algorithms to address our clients’ security needs,” said Gabe Dimeglio, CISO, SVP & GM of Rimini Protect™ and Rimini Watch™ solutions. “Whether to enhance and add to your defense strategy or to maximize the value of existing systems, Rimini Protect Advanced Hypervisor Security offers peace of mind from a trusted, proven partner that has been providing mission-critical security solutions for complex, large, mission-critical, high-security government and military organizations across the globe. We take great pride in protecting the systems and irreplaceable data of our clients that is always under threat of attack.”
Learn more about how to strengthen your organization’s security posture through Rimini Protect Advanced Hypervisor Security here and explore Rimini Street’s industry-leading Support for VMware here.
1 Reliaquest: Ransomware and Cyber Extortion in Q4 2024
2 Roundup: The top ransomware stories of 2024
3 ESXi Host Maximums
4 Hypervisor Jackpotting, Part 3: Lack of Antivirus Support Opens the Door to Adversary Attacks
About Rimini Street, Inc.
Rimini Street, Inc. (Nasdaq: RMNI), a Russell 2000® Company, is a global provider of end-to-end enterprise software support and innovation solutions and the leading third-party support provider for Oracle, SAP and VMware software. The Company offers a comprehensive portfolio of unified solutions to run, manage, support, customize, configure, connect, protect, monitor, and optimize enterprise application, database, and technology software. The Company has signed thousands of contracts with Fortune Global 100, Fortune 500, midmarket, public sector and government organizations who selected Rimini Street as their trusted, proven mission-critical enterprise software solutions provider and achieved better operational outcomes, realized billions of US dollars in savings and funded AI and other innovation investments.
To learn more, please visit www.riministreet.com, and connect with Rimini Street on X, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
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