CGTN: Bridging tradition and technology: 2025 CMG Spring Festival Gala enters final stage
CGTN published an article discussing why the Spring Festival Gala, or Chunwan, is a meaningful event for all Chinese, and serves as a bond that unites the shared emotions of the global Chinese community. The article also emphasizes how the 2025 Gala will seamlessly integrate traditional Chinese culture with cutting-edge technology, making it into a truly unique celebration of Chinese culture.
BEIJING, Jan. 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 2025 China Media Group (CMG) Spring Festival Gala, a cornerstone of Chinese New Year celebrations, has entered its final rehearsal phase. Known for its rich cultural significance, this annual event, or Chunwan in China, combines innovation with tradition, captivating audiences in both China and the world.
On January 22, the gala completed its fourth rehearsal, finalizing its lineup of performances and technical elements. With cutting-edge AR and VR technology, the show promises an immersive experience, blending classic acts like songs, dances, skits and crosstalk with interactive elements to engage audiences and attract a broader audience, particularly younger generations.
Adding to the festive atmosphere, the gala has unveiled its official mascot, "Si Sheng Sheng," a vibrant green snake symbolizing the Year of the Snake. Inspired by traditional Chinese culture, the design incorporates intricate details like the spiral patterns from a gilded silver "Ruyi" discovered in northwest China's Shaanxi's Famen Temple, representing prosperity. The mascot's body features interwoven vines symbolizing vitality and is adorned with flowers such as begonia, magnolia and peony, crafted with exquisite filigree techniques. The thoughtful design blends heritage with artistry, encapsulating the celebratory spirit of the Spring Festival.
A fusion of tradition and modernity
Since its inception in 1983, the Spring Festival Gala has become a cultural hallmark of Chinese New Year, celebrating the nation's heritage through performances such as operas, folk songs, dances, skits and crosstalk. This year, while maintaining these traditions, the gala will embrace modern creative expressions.
The 2025 Gala's stage design draws inspiration from the "Ruyi" scepter, a traditional Chinese artifact symbolizing fulfilled wishes. The scepter-shaped stage connects performers with the audience, creating a harmonious setting. Elements of Spring Festival customs, including paper-cutting, shadow puppetry and Chinese knots, will be incorporated into the show's visuals, costumes and lyrics, emphasizing cultural authenticity.
Among the standout performances is The Pillars, a song-and-dance act inspired by Beijing's Central Axis, which was recently recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The performance celebrates the architectural ingenuity of ancient China, combining historical themes with stunning visual effects. Another highlight, Beauty by the Water, merges ballet and traditional Chinese dance to embody the grace and fluidity of water, set to the melody of the song At the Waterside.
In recent years, the Spring Festival Gala has embraced technological advancements to rejuvenate traditional art forms. The 2025 Gala will further this trend: Traditional art forms, such as Peking Opera and Henan Opera, will be enhanced with modern stage effects and multimedia; digital interactivity and holographic projections will transform folk dances and songs into multi-dimensional experiences. The integration of technology and culture not only breathes new life into traditional art, but also deepens the audience's connection with China's cultural heritage.
An emotional connection of Chinese
For millions of Chinese families, the Spring Festival Gala is more than a television event — it is a cherished New Year tradition. Watching the gala together symbolizes unity, warmth and the joy of reunion. The emotional connection transcends physical boundaries, linking families across the globe.
In addition to celebrating familial bonds, the gala reflects societal changes and issues through its humorous skits and crosstalk, sparking both laughter and reflection. The 2025 Gala will continue this tradition, offering insight into contemporary social themes while embodying the spirit of the times.
The gala also showcases China's cultural diversity, highlighting regional traditions and art forms that foster a shared sense of pride and belonging. Through its blend of festive cheer, cultural celebration and innovative artistry, the Spring Festival Gala remains an enduring symbol of Chinese unity and cultural identity.
This year's event promises to be both a vibrant celebration of the past and an exciting glimpse into the future, reinforcing the gala's role as a bridge between tradition and modernity, and as a heartfelt connection among Chinese people worldwide.
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