The New Year 2025 Unfolds: Egg-quity Index Urges Global Accountability in Cage-Free Egg Commitments
Egg-quity Index Calls Out Costa Coffee, Best Western, and Dunkin’s Cage-Free Shortcomings
HONG KONG, Jan. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the New Year begins and 2025 marks the final countdown for many cage-free egg commitments, Mercy For Animals, in partnership with organisations all over the world, has released the 2024 Egg-quity Index. The Index categorises 29 companies based on the equity of their cage-free commitments and progress across regions, focusing on the often overlooked Global South. The Egg-quity Index was developed by 14 organizations across 15 countries spanning Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America; all united in their aim to end the cruel cage-confinement of hens.
Globally, 84% of hens raised for eggs are confined to wire battery cages—cramped enclosures that often pack six to ten birds per cage. This extreme confinement not only causes immense suffering but is also potentially linked to higher rates of salmonella in hens, which could pose serious food safety risks.
Twenty years ago, fewer than five food companies committed to banning cages in their egg supply chains. Since then, the cage-free movement has grown rapidly. As of April 2024, the 2024 Open Wing Alliance cage-free fulfilment report shows 89% of cage-free egg commitments with deadlines of 2023 or earlier were fulfilled, sparing hundreds of millions of hens from cruel confinement. While much remains to be accomplished, the shift toward cage-free egg production is becoming increasingly evident.
Among the companies ranked in the Index, Unilever, JM Smucker, and Danone lead in implementing equitable practices, having published roadmaps and reported progress for each region, or having fulfilled commitments. Companies like Sodexo, Accor, and LSG rank mid-range; while they have reported regional progress, their reports are not as transparent as those of leading companies, and they have not published roadmaps for all regions. However, companies like Costa Coffee, Best Western, and Dunkin' (owned by Inspire Brands) are currently lagging as they only report progress at a global level, for some regions, or not at all.
“Transparency and accountability are non-negotiable as we enter this pivotal year, 2025,” said Marbella Fernández, Global Corporate Project Specialist at Mercy For Animals. “Companies must demonstrate progress in every region, especially the Global South, to ensure their commitments are sincere and equitable.”
In a 2022 study of consumer attitudes toward hen welfare, 72 to 77.2% of respondents in Asian countries agreed that chickens used for eggs should not suffer. Over 140 companies have banned caging hens in their global supply chains, with more than 2,000 following suit at national or regional levels.
“Several major food companies have committed to purchasing cage-free egg credits as an alternative when physical sourcing is unavailable, ensuring they meet their cage-free pledges by 2025,” the Egg-quity report details, highlighting strategies to accelerate the transition to 100% cage-free sourcing in Asia.
As the 2025 deadline approaches, the Egg-quity Index underscores the importance of equitable and transparent cage-free commitments. Mercy For Animals urges companies to fulfill their promises, particularly in regions where progress has been slow. The future of animal welfare—and the trust of consumers—depends on it.
Mercy For Animals is a leading international nonprofit working to end industrial animal agriculture by constructing a just and sustainable food system. Active in Brazil, Canada, India, Mexico, Malaysia and the United States, the organization has conducted more than 100 investigations of factory farms and slaughterhouses, influenced more than 500 corporate policies, and helped pass historic legislation to ban cages for farmed animals. Join us at
Media Contact:
Marbella Fernández
+52 1 (55) 8950 5376 extension 107
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