Politecnico di Torino’s EU-Italy Energy Days: Nuclear, Hydrogen and alternative fuels were the core
Mario Draghi was awarded the international "PoliTO Foresight and Innovation" prize

TURIN, Italy, Jan. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The EU-Italy Energy Days, organized by Politecnico di Torino in collaboration with the Italian Ministry for the Environment and Energy Security, and with the full support of the Italian Ministry for Universities and Research, and the European Commission, ended today with the awarding to Mario Draghi of the first international “PoliTO Foresight and Innovation” prize.
The award was established by Politecnico di Torino to recognize the most exceptional European expertise in tackling the collective challenge of medium- to long-term innovation and renewal, at both the national and European levels. Professor Draghi was awarded upon the advice of the “Energy & Climate High Level Group”. This international team of ten experts, hailing from France, Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom, Latvia, Finland, and Italy, is highly qualified in European economics, technology, law, and policy, and supports Politecnico in its mission to assist in policy-making. Professor Draghi was awarded for his extensive academic experience, his institutional assignments within Italian and European institutions, and his valuable contribution to EU innovation and competitiveness.
The award ceremony crowns the two-day event organized by Politecnico for this second edition of the EU-Italy Energy Days, held on January 23 and 24, on the theme “How to Achieve Near-Zero Emissions by 2050.” A unique opportunity for key representatives from Italian ministries and European institutions to collaborate with international scientists in identifying innovative, socially acceptable, and economically viable solutions for implementing sustainable energy policies.
In the impressive settings of the Valentino Castle – Politecnico’s historical venue – and of the National Museum of the Risorgimento, hosted in Palazzo Carignano, the program featured international experts from academia, industry and policymakers in critical discussions on topical issues, such as nuclear energy, hydrogen and CCS technologies, alternative fuels for transportation and renewable energy.
Science plays a crucial role in supporting the European Commission’s “Energy and Climate” group, and key decision-makers among the member states such as Italy. Indeed, the main goals set by the President of the “Von der Leyen II Commission" for the “Energy and Climate” group are aimed at ensuring the EU's future competitiveness through effective decarbonization, identifying numerous goals for both energy and climate commissioners, including reviewing fiscal policies, following up on National Energy and Climate Plans, and formulating policies for 2030.
EU-Italy Energy Days international meeting aims precisely to connect research, institutions and policy makers on these issues. This is why four panel discussions were held on Thursday, January 23rd: “Nuclear Energy: Innovative Technologies and Prospects”; “Planning National Strategies for Hydrogen and CCS”; “Decarbonization in Transportation”; “Innovative Strategies to Promote the Energy Transition.”
On Friday, January 24th, greetings were held by Politecnico’s Rector Stefano Corgnati, Symposium Chairman Giovanni Federigo De Santi, Piedmont Region Vice President Elena Chiorino, and Turin’s Mayor Stefano Lo Russo. Then, the European Parliament member and ITRE Committee Vice Chairman Giorgio Gori, together with the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin launched the debate on “Energy Transition: priorities in the European and Italian policy agenda”. The concluding panel entitled “Energy Transition: Italian perspectives and future plans in the European context” hosted internationally renowned guests, with representatives from the corporate world and institutions.
“This event aligns with one of the main objectives of our Strategic Plan, that is Politecnico di Torino's growing role in facilitating the dialogue on nowadays technological transformations, increasingly pervasive in our society. During the two-day “EU-ITALY Energy Days,” we eased discussions between the European Commission and the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, together with academia and industry, thus playing a facilitating role for policy making,” comments Politecnico di Torino Rector Stefano Corgnati.
“I am grateful for the invitation to this Symposium, which fosters a close dialogue between our country and the European Commission, and has been hosted by Politecnico di Torino, a top-level institution for transition technologies,” says Minister for the Environment and Energy Security Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, “This meeting is a key opportunity to discuss a crucial issue: how to successfully address the energy transition, maintaining economic competitiveness and ensuring energy supply security. Achieving the Net Zero goal in 2050 means sustainably decarbonizing the economy while ensuring the safety of energy supplies.
In the nuclear field, I just submitted a few days ago to the Prime Minister's Office a draft bill to create a stable and investment-friendly regulatory framework. This draft law calls for the adoption of a National Sustainable Nuclear Program aimed at decarbonization, system stability and reduced energy costs for households and businesses.
Our goal is clear: to build an energy system that is secure, resilient and competitive, responding to global challenges and enhancing Italian excellence. We are working to achieve all this.”
“It is crucial to me that the debate of this two-day event in Turin focused on new technologies leading towards our country’s energy transition: from the new generation of nuclear power, with a key project developed right here in Turin, to the production of green hydrogen, up to the development of CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage)”- adds Giorgio Gori, European Parliament member and ITRE Committee Vice Chairman – “All this said, the most pressing challenge that the European Union needs to face is the reduction of the energy costs. On February 26th, the EU Commission will present the Action Plan to Ensure Affordable Energy Prices. I trust that this plan will include concrete and effective measures to support households and businesses, promoting an inclusive and fair energy transition. In Italy, this challenge is even more demanding. Our country, with its heavy dependence on gas, is paying a very high price for soaring energy costs. The situation is unsustainable and requires rapid and effective responses. The goal is to differentiate the price of energy from the price of gas, which in Italy determines 70 percent of the cost. The way is to increase the production of renewable energy – reducing the use of gas – and to promote a greater diffusion of long-term contracts. For all this, a key role can be played by the GSE.”
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
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