Pacvue Rolls Out Amazon DSP Management and Optimization Tools to LATAM, EMEA and APAC
Starting today, businesses outside of North America can utilize Pacvue’s full suite of campaign management tools to optimize their Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform) campaigns
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pacvue, the leading commerce acceleration platform that integrates retail media, commerce management and measurement, today announced expanded access to its full range of Amazon DSP capabilities beyond North America, bringing Pacvue's intelligent automation, reporting and optimization solutions to 16 countries across LATAM, EMEA and APAC. Through Pacvue, brands in these regions now have self-serve access to a full suite of programmatic media solutions to elevate their growth strategies.
“Our partners around the globe have been eagerly awaiting access to Amazon DSP tools, so we’re excited to be among the first platforms to unlock these new capabilities for them,” said Melissa Burdick, president and co-founder at Pacvue. “Access to Amazon DSP tools brings greater capabilities and reach for advertisers in these regions, as well as opportunities for growth from a wider variety of ad types, channels and audiences.”
Pacvue is an early adopter of the Amazon DSP Campaign Management API’s global expansion. Previously, Pacvue’s Amazon DSP customers outside North America only had access to reporting capabilities. Now, advertisers in these regions are able to leverage the Pacvue platform to reach Amazon Ads audiences via Amazon DSP. This expansion includes campaign creation and management, budget, bid and dayparting automation controls.
“The synergy between Amazon DSP, Amazon Search and Pacvue's intelligent platform has transformed how we are able to measure success on a global scale for Crucial, Micron's only consumer brand,” said Becky Durbin, VP Marketplaces at Labelium. “By combining our Amazon targeting strategy with Pacvue's advanced optimization and reporting tools, we successfully activated new AMC audiences, drove campaign efficiencies and delivered impactful, full-funnel measurement across multiple markets.”
Pacvue announced the following features for customers in expanded regions:
- Amazon sponsored ads & Amazon DSP combined dashboard
- AMC audience creation that enables seamless transitions from insights to action via Amazon DSP campaigns
- Automation tools like dayparting, allowing for precise optimizations throughout the day
- Automated budget management that controls monthly and daily spend without manual oversight
- Advanced reporting and analytics powered by Amazon Ads performance data and Pacvue’s industry-leading tech
Countries where Pacvue’s full Amazon DSP platform will now be available:
- North America: United States, Canada and Mexico
- EMEA: Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
- LATAM: Brazil
- APAC: Australia, India, Japan, Singapore
In addition to the expansion of Amazon DSP campaign management tools, Pacvue is also an official Amazon DSP Reseller. As a reseller, Pacvue offers businesses access to Amazon DSP capabilities, empowering advertisers with the tools and support needed to maximize their digital advertising impact.
Visit to learn about its latest commerce solutions and recent company developments.
About Pacvue:
Pacvue is the leading commerce acceleration platform that integrates retail media, commerce management, and measurement. The company’s first-to-market platform drives incrementality, profitability and market share for brands, while turning insights into actionable recommendations. Backed by a global team of experts, Pacvue works with over 70,000 brands and agencies across 95+ retailers worldwide including Amazon, Walmart, Target and Instacart. With the incorporation of Pacvue’s enterprise solution with Helium 10 for SMBs, Pacvue is now the most comprehensive commerce and retail media platform available in the market. Founded in 2018, their global presence includes locations in Seattle, New York, Los Angeles, Washington DC, London, Shanghai and Tokyo. For more information, visit
Media Contact:
Scott Samson
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