Teva Delivers Second Consecutive Year of Growth
Teva Delivers Second Consecutive Year of Growth; Announces Strong Financial Results in Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024, Led by Generics Performance and Innovative Portfolio Growth
- 2024 Revenues of $16.5 billion reflect an increase of 6%, in local currency terms, compared to 2023;
- AUSTEDO® - exceeding $1.6 billion in revenues, surpassing 2024 outlook;
- AJOVY® - global annual revenues of $507 million, an increase of 18% in local currency terms compared to 2023;
- UZEDY® revenues of $117 million in 2024 surpassing $100M outlook;
- Generics business continues to grow across all segments, with increases of 15% in the U.S., 6% in Europe and 15% in International Markets, all in local currency terms compared to 2023;
- First-to-market launches including first generic version of Sandostatin® LAR Depot and liraglutide injection 1.8mg (an authorized generic of Victoza®); On January 2025, Teva entered into a license and supply agreement, for a proposed generic GLP1 in the U.S., Europe and additional countries;
- Biosimilar pipeline is expanding, and now includes 18 assets, including SELARSDITM, which is expected to launch in the U.S. in the first quarter of 2025; and our first internally developed biosimilar to Prolia® (denosumab), which is under regulatory review in the U.S. and in Europe;
- Duvakitug (Anti-TL1A) positive Phase 2B results announced and initiation of Phase 3 program is expected in 2025; olanzapine LAI achieved Phase 3 targeted injections without PDSS (post-injection delirium/sedation syndrome), and full safety presentation is expected in the second quarter of 2025.
- Q4 2024 and FY 2024 highlights:
Q4 2024 | FY 2024 | ||
Revenues | $4.2 billion | $16.5 billion | |
GAAP loss per share | $0.19 | $1.45 | |
Non-GAAP diluted EPS | $0.71 | $2.49 | |
Cash flow generated from operating activities | $575 million | $1,247 million | |
Free cash flow | $790 million | $2,068 million | |
2025 Outlook *
- Revenues of $16.8 - $17.4 billion
- Non-GAAP operating income of $4.1-$4.6 billion
- Adjusted EBITDA of $4.5 - $5.0 billion
- Non-GAAP diluted EPS of $2.35 - $2.65
- Free cash flow of $1.6 - $1.9 billion
* 2025 outlook assumes a full year contribution from Teva api and our business venture in Japan and excludes the expected income from potential milestone payments from Sanofi in connection with the Phase 3 initiation of duvakitug.
TEL AVIV, Israel, Jan. 29, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (NYSE and TASE: TEVA) today reported results for the year and the quarter ended December 31, 2024.
Mr. Richard Francis, Teva's President and CEO, said: "2024 marked a transformative year for Teva, resulting in a second consecutive year of growth, driven by our generic products and key innovative products. Focusing on rigorous execution of our Pivot to Growth strategy throughout the year, we continued to achieve important milestones in each of its four pillars, including surpassing the outlook for our key innovative products, growing our generics business across all segments, and accelerating our early-stage innovative pipeline, including the positive Phase 2b results for our duvakitug (anti-Tl1A) asset. These results pave the way for pivotal trials in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, as well as, potentially, other Immunological and fibrotic indications beyond, in collaboration with our partner, Sanofi."
Mr. Francis continued, "In 2025, we anticipate further progress in our key innovative growth drivers, while also executing on our complex generics and biosimilars business, supported by new product launches. We are also excited to advance to Phase 3 trials for our duvakitug (anti-TL1A) asset."
Pivot to Growth Strategy
In 2024, we continued to execute on the four key pillars of our “Pivot to Growth” strategy, which we announced in May 2023.
- On the first pillar, delivering on our growth engines, we continued to show strong performance of our key innovative products, mainly AUSTEDO, AJOVY, and UZEDY, as well as on our late-stage pipeline of biosimilars, with the launches of SIMLANDI® (adalimumab-ryvk) injection and the expected launch of SELARSDI (ustekinumab-aekn) injection, and the progress we made on our proposed biosimilars to Prolia®(denosumab), Simponi® and Simponi Aria® (golimumab), which were submitted for regulatory review in the U.S. and the EU;
- On the second pillar, stepping up innovation through delivering on our late-stage innovative pipeline, we have been accelerating the development of certain key pipeline assets, including the recent positive Phase 2b results for duvakitug (anti-TL1A), and expect a number of milestones and data points for olanzapine LAI, and DARI (dual-action asthma rescue inhaler, ICS/SABA) in the near future;
- On the third pillar, sustaining our generics powerhouse with a global commercial footprint, focused portfolio, pipeline and manufacturing footprint, we continued to optimize our generics business and build a strong pipeline of biosimilars, with several successful launches of high-value complex generics in 2024; and
- Lastly, on our fourth pillar, focusing our business by optimizing our portfolio and global manufacturing footprint. This will enable strategic capital deployment, to accelerate our growth engines, and reorganize certain of our business units to a more optimal structure. We continued our efforts on capital allocation and disciplined cost management by focusing on debt repayment, and optimizing our working capital management.
- Teva continues to progress with the sale of its active-pharmaceutical ingredient (API) business and is engaged with prospective purchasers. The timing and structure of the planned transaction are subject to ongoing consideration and the consummation of the sale remains contingent on reaching a definitive agreement, subject to approval by Teva's Board of Directors. On December 31, 2024, Teva classified its API business (including its R&D, manufacturing and commercial activities) as held for sale.
To view full press release, please visit:
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