Qinshift and ADB SAFEGATE collaborate to enhance AIRSIDE 4.0
MALMÖ, Sweden, Jan. 30, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Qinshift, global technology company and provider of advanced AI solutions, announces its partnership with ADB SAFEGATE, a global leader in intelligent airside solutions, to improve safety and efficiency in airport operations through the development of the next version of APRON software.
This collaboration utilizes Qinshift’s expertise in AI software architecture and implementation to integrate LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology for ground operations. The solution is designed to contributing to safer and more efficient operations.
The system will be tested in a live operational setting at an airport, supporting the adoption of innovative technologies in airside operations.
Focused on Safety and Efficiency
ADB SAFEGATE’s APRON detection software aims to deliver safer and faster aircraft turnarounds by connecting airside assets and providing real-time insights to support decision-making. The partnership with Qinshift represents a practical step toward integrating AI and LiDAR technologies into the aviation sector.
Daniel Sjöström, VP Business Development, Mobility & transportation at Qinshift and Avenga, shared: “Collaborating with ADB SAFEGATE underscores our focus on using AI technologies to address operational challenges in aviation. This project reflects our commitment to delivering practical solutions that enhance safety and operational effectiveness.”
Peter Håkansson, Director Product Management APRON at ADB SAFEGATE, highlighted the partnership’s importance: “Our AIRSIDE 4.0 strategy is about enabling connected systems for improved real-time insights. Working with Qinshift strengthens our ability to enhance intelligent APRON management, helping airports operate more safely, efficiently, and sustainably.”
About Qinshift
Qinshift, with over 3000 experts, offers business solutions and technical services with a focus on innovation and long-term client relationships. Qinshift delivers AI-driven solutions tailored to the needs of various industries. Its expertise in software architecture and implementation supports the development of innovative tools and approaches that drive operational improvements.
Qinshift and Avenga are merging to form a global technology and engineering powerhouse, uniting over 6,000 experts across 50 offices worldwide.
ADB Safegate provides intelligent solutions empowering airports to develop their airside ecosystems. With an installed product base at over 2,500 airports globally, including civil and military facilities, the company’s AIRSIDE 4.0 strategy enhances safety, efficiency, and sustainability.
Media contact:
Marina Domazetovska
Global Head of PR & External Communications
Email: Marina.domazetovska@qinshift.com
Mob: +38971229112
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