CallTower and Five9 Announce Global Select Resale Partnership
CallTower and Five9 to deliver seamless collaboration and customer experiences with Operator Connect for Microsoft Teams and leading contact center software
SALT LAKE CITY, UT, ROCHESTER, NY, MONTREAL, QC, LONDON, Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CallTower, a global leader in delivering unified communications, contact center, and collaboration solutions, including Microsoft Teams, Webex by Cisco, and Zoom, is proud to announce an innovative resale Partnership with Five9, a leading provider of cloud contact center solutions. This partnership is designed to bring a seamless integration of CallTower's Operator Connect for Microsoft Teams offering with Five9's cutting-edge contact center platform, setting a new standard in Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) and Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) solution.
Through this collaboration, businesses will benefit from a turnkey solution that integrates Five9's world-class contact center capabilities with CallTower's Operator Connect for Microsoft Teams offering delivered by Five9. Customers can expect to experience unparalleled communication, featuring bi-directional presence capabilities, real-time collaboration, and unified reporting under a single vendor.
“This partnership with Five9 is an important milestone in our commitment to delivering advanced communication solutions. By combining our Operator Connect solution with Five9's intelligent CX platform, we're providing businesses with the tools they need to enhance both customer and employee experiences in meaningful ways,” said Doug Larsen, CallTower Senior Vice President of Product and Software Development.
William Rubio, CallTower Chief Revenue Officer, emphasized the market impact: "The synergy between CallTower and Five9 creates an opportunity for businesses to simplify their communications stack. This partnership positions us to drive innovation while meeting the evolving needs of enterprises globally combining Microsoft Teams Operator Connect with Five9's robust CX platform."
Jake Butterbaugh, SVP of Five9 Global Partner Organization, echoed, "Our collaboration with CallTower enhances our ability to deliver a fully unified solution that meets the demands of modern businesses. By leveraging Five9's AI and automation capabilities alongside CallTower's Operator Connect services, we can provide organizations with the tools they need to thrive in today's competitive landscape."
This partnership emphasizes both companies' commitment to innovation and customer success. With plans to expand connectivity to new geographies and offer targeted training for integration, CallTower and Five9 are poised to redefine the communication technology landscape.
Transforming how we connect across the globe! Dive into the future of global communication with CallTower, where the forefront of innovation meets the vast expanse of connectivity. CallTower is revolutionizing communications through cutting-edge technology. CallTower delivers seamless MS Teams, Zoom, and Webex voice solutions elevated by the integration of AI technology, comprehensive contact center solutions and one-click failover, marking a significant milestone in the communication landscape.
Since its establishment in 2002, CallTower has evolved into a global cloud-based, enterprise-class cloud communications (unified communications, contact center and collaboration) solutions provider, catering to the needs of expanding businesses globally. CallTower offers and supports cutting-edge solutions such as Operator Connect for Microsoft® Teams, MS Teams Direct Routing, GCC High Teams Direct Routing, Microsoft® 365, Cisco® Webex Calling / UCM, Cisco® CCP, Zoom Phone, Zoom (BYOB), and a range of contact center options, including Five9 for business customers.
For more information about CallTower and its award-winning services, please contact
Kade Herbert
CallTower, Inc.
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