Business Schools Prepare for the GenAI Era: AACSB Shares Global Survey Findings
TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AACSB International (AACSB) released a new report, GenAI Adoption in Business Schools: Deans and Faculty Respond, informed by survey input from business school deans and faculty. The report explores how these groups are navigating the opportunities and challenges of generative AI (GenAI), focusing on the practical use of GenAI in teaching, research, and governance. It offers valuable insights into the adoption trends and strategic priorities within business schools globally.
Key Survey Findings
Conducted separately among faculty and deans, the surveys reveal shared and diverse perspectives and priorities, highlighting the need for coordinated efforts to drive meaningful progress in GenAI adoption.
- Optimism vs. Skepticism: Deans express greater optimism about GenAI's potential, while faculty are generally more cautious, citing concerns about ethical implications and readiness. Despite this disparity, both groups agree on the importance of integrating GenAI across teaching, research, and governance.
- Proficiency and Usage: Most survey respondents identify as novice or intermediate users of GenAI. Faculty primarily use GenAI for tasks like content creation and summarization in teaching, while they remain more hesitant about using the technology for research applications like data analysis, citing data integrity issues.
- Ethical Concerns and Governance: Issues such as plagiarism, data privacy, and academic integrity are highlighted as major barriers to more widespread adoption. Although nearly half of the deans report existing AI policies at their institutions, many schools lack actionable guidance, signaling a need for clearer governance.
- Educational Potential and Risks: Both faculty and deans recognize GenAI's role in enhancing creativity and problem-solving while also posing risks to critical thinking. Striking a balance between AI integration and traditional pedagogy remains a key priority.
- Resource Allocation: Schools are focusing on integrating GenAI into curricula using existing resources, with limited efforts directed toward expanding or redesigning current infrastructure.
- Training Opportunities: A mix of self-directed learning and structured institutional support is preferred for skill development. However, low engagement with formal credentialing programs presents an opportunity for schools to expand training pathways.
AACSB's findings emphasize the importance of promoting collaboration among educators, administrators, and institutional leaders to address challenges and responsibly leverage GenAI's potential. The organization is committed to supporting business schools with actionable resources and insights to navigate the evolving AI landscape.
Support for this report is provided by the Kogod School of Business at American University. Learn how the Kogod School is preparing the business leaders of tomorrow at
To read the full report, visit For media inquiries or to arrange an interview with one of AACSB's thought leaders about this report, please contact
About AACSB International
Established in 1916, AACSB International (AACSB) is the world's largest business education association, connecting educators, learners, and businesses to create the next generation of great leaders. With members in over 100 countries and territories, AACSB elevates the quality and impact of business schools globally. Learn how AACSB and business schools from around the world are leading boldly in business education at
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