Cority Partners with Salus Technical, Bringing Advanced Bowtie Risk Analysis to CorityOne Ecosystem
Cority and Salus simplify hazard analysis process for high-risk industries
TORONTO, Feb. 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cority, the global leader in enterprise Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) software, today announced a strategic partnership with Salus Technical, a UK-based provider of bowtie risk analysis software. Through this partnership, Cority customers can access Salus Technical's Bowtie Master solution, with its advanced Bowtie Risk diagramming and analysis features, enhancing their ability to manage complex risks within high-hazard settings.
Managing risk is a growing demand for and one of the most critical challenges for organizations operating in high hazard environments. Traditional methods of risk assessment often struggle to adequately capture complexities common in high-reliability environments with intricate & highly coupled processes. Bowtie Risk Analysis, with its intuitive visual diagrams, enables organizations to proactively identify and assess compliance, or Bowtie Risk Analysis tools help organizations build a clear, actionable framework for advanced risk management.
Through this partnership, Cority will integrate Bowtie Master with Cority's Risk Management solution. As part of CorityOne, the company's comprehensive EHS and sustainability SaaS-based ecosystem, customers will also be able to access other Safety-based Cority applications and, eventually, the full spectrum of environmental, health, quality, and sustainability programs. This holistic approach provides users with one place for better insights, collaboration, and decision making.
Addressing Complex Risks with Cutting-Edge Tools
“Process safety and risk management require tools that not only analyze risks but also make the insights actionable,” said David Jamieson, founder of Salus Technical. “This partnership allows organizations to streamline their risk assessment workflows, ensuring they can visualize complex scenarios, identify key dependencies, and prioritize resources to protect their workforce and operations.”
Salus Technical's Bowtie Master dynamically builds bowtie risk diagrams, simplifying the complexities of process safety. Unlike traditional tabular methods, Salus Technical's Bowtie Master solution enables users to build bowtie risk diagrams dynamically with simple drag-and-drop features, providing a holistic view of risks and dependencies, and helping organizations prioritize required preventive and corrective actions. The integration with CorityOne will allow customers to connect insights from their bowtie risk analysis to other EHS workflows, helping them make informed decisions that increase resiliency, boost system reliability, and reduce the likelihood of catastrophic events.
Benefits of the partnership Include:
- Enhanced Risk Visibility: Intuitive, dynamic diagrams simplify complex risk scenarios, improving cross-team collaboration and understanding.
- Proactive Risk Management: Organizations can prioritize and address risks before incidents occur, reducing downtime and improving operational safety.
- Improved Efficiency: Seamless integration with CorityOne enables streamlined workflows, data visualization, and effective reporting.
A Growing Demand for Bowtie Risk Analysis
Bowtie risk analysis has become a preferred tool in industries such as oil and gas, energy, mining, and transportation, where the stakes of operational failures are high. Regulatory trends in specific regions, including Australia, are further driving demand for bowtie risk analysis capabilities integrated in enterprise-grade EHS software.
A Unified Approach to Risk Management
“Organizations in high-hazard industries are demanding for solutions that simplify complex risk management processes while delivering actionable insights to support intelligent action,” said Sean Baldry, senior director of product management at Cority. “With Bowtie Master, we are bringing our customers a powerful, integrated tool that enhances their ability to manage the most complex risk scenarios effectively and efficiently.”
This partnership underscores Cority's ongoing commitment to enhancing its CorityOne ecosystem through organic development and strategic collaborations, delivering comprehensive solutions that help organizations drive safety, operational excellence, and sustainability.
For more information, visit and
About Cority
Cority gives every employee from the field to the boardroom the power to make a difference, reducing risks and creating a safer, healthier, and more sustainable world. For over 35 years, Cority's people-first software solutions have been built by EHS and sustainability experts who know the pressures businesses face. Time-tested, scalable, and configurable, CorityOne is the responsible business platform that combines datasets from across the organization to enable improved efficiencies, actionable insights, data-driven decisions, and more accurate reporting on performance. Trusted by over 1,500 organizations worldwide and consistently recognized as a leader in the EHS industry by independent analyst firms, Cority deeply cares about helping people work toward a better future for everyone. To learn more, visit
About Salus Technical
Salus Technical, based in Aberdeen, Scotland, provides engineering, training, and software solutions to help organizations understand and manage risks from major accidents. Their flagship product, Bowtie Master, offers advanced process safety tools trusted by industries worldwide.
Media Contact
Natalie Rizk
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