Liberty Global and Juniper Networks Collaborate to Demonstrate Seamless Cloud Connections
Technology explores simplifying and securing hybrid multicloud connectivity at scale to deliver superior user experiences for enterprise and consumer customers
SUNNYVALE, Calif. & DENVER, Colorado -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --
Juniper Networks® (NYSE:JNPR), a leader in secure, AI-Native Networks, and Liberty Global (NASDAQ: LBTYA, LBTYB and LBTYK), one of the world’s leading converged video, broadband and communications companies, today announced the successful completion of a joint proof-of-concept (POC) designed to deliver a high-quality seamless user experience for customers with data and applications spread across multiple cloud environments.
The POC demonstrated a cost-efficient, software-programmable, secure and seamless way to consistently connect services and applications hosted in disparate locations and across different cloud technologies. The POC was built on Juniper Cloud Interlink, which automates the creation and management of assured, hybrid, multicloud networks across public cloud, on-premises and co-located data centers. Juniper Cloud Interlink is currently in advanced development within Juniper Beyond Labs, an innovation hub that pioneers user experience-led networking.
As a network provider to millions of consumer and business customers, Liberty Global is keen to explore innovative ways to enhance cloud connectivity solutions for its customers, as they navigate the complexity of hybrid multicloud architectures while maintaining secure, high-quality user experiences at scale.
Increasingly business customers are migrating their applications and data to the cloud to benefit from improved resilience, elasticity and scalability. But due to a mix of technological, functionality and commercial reasons, customers typically select different cloud environments and locations, including centralized and edge locations for supporting present and future applications. A typical medium/large enterprise has several systems looking after different aspects of their business, such as logistical handling, components drawings, design, manufacturing, inventory, customer ordering, payments. These systems are likely to be hosted in different cloud environments to suit specific aspects such as performance, data storage and processing costs, geographical locations. Such business needs translate into an increased number of customers grappling with connecting multiple applications and services across various cloud-based technologies, providers and locations for a wide range of internal and external uses. Liberty Global serves thousands of business customers, delivering advanced connectivity, unified communication, security and IT managed services, generating annual revenue exceeding $3bn; consequently, the company can anticipate a future demand for multi-cloud connectivity.
Current methods of connecting to multiple heterogeneous clouds are inconsistent, each with their own best practices, tools, platforms and limitations. Collectively this creates a challenging environment that can put application Service Level Expectations (SLEs), security policies and the ability for customers to select the optimal cloud solution for each type of their data and applications at risk.
Streamlining and Simplifying Multicloud Connectivity for Customers
The POC represents a significant step forward for the Liberty Global Technology team seeking innovative solutions to streamline and simplify the multicloud connectivity for its customers. Juniper Cloud Interlink was selected for a rigorous POC to test the capabilities of this innovative technology to enable secure, reliable provider- and location-agnostic hybrid multicloud connectivity that can be combined with other existing cloud solutions. Juniper Cloud Interlink Gateways were deployed in an AWS Outpost on LG premises in Reading, UK and in regional Clouds environments from AWS and Google.
The Juniper Cloud Interlink Gateways were successfully interconnected within hours—instead of weeks—and supported advanced yet easy-to-operate network and security services whilst maintaining consistent policies end-to-end.
Juniper Cloud Interlink from Juniper also met Liberty Global’s stringent operational requirements by ensuring applications and SLEs were upheld, providing proactive anomaly detection, immediate root cause discovery, automated notifications and faster Mean Time to Identify (MTTI) and Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) on networking issues across the fabric. This functionality is designed for service providers and enterprises, so they can develop and bring new revenue-generating services to market more quickly, while maintaining the highest standards of user experience.
Liberty and Juniper intend to continue cooperating in the development of the technology until it reaches the required level of maturity for its commercial introduction.
Supporting Quotes:
“Creating a single, programmable fabric across all our 'national champion' broadband and mobile brands in Europe—from deployment to ongoing operation—is a critical ingredient in our mission to deliver the best possible user experiences to our cloud customers. Seamlessly and consistently managing the complexity of different cloud environments, locations and providers, this POC demonstrates the power of thinking holistically about the cloud and working with the right partners, like Juniper, to deliver solutions that can be utilized at scale.”
- Madalina Suceveanu, Managing Director Mobile & Cloud Technologies at Liberty Global
“Juniper is relentlessly focused on helping our customers make every connection count for their users. In this POC we were able to show how Liberty Global could deploy Juniper Cloud Interlink to fully align cloud-based network access for applications and services to user expectations—yielding a secure, assured experience. It is also a perfect example of the important work done in Juniper Beyond Labs, helping us to anticipate our customers’ challenges and develop solutions that can shape the future of networking.”
- Raj Yavatkar, SVP and CTO at Juniper Networks
Additional Resources
Blog: Overcoming connectivity challenges across multiple cloud environments & locations: A simple, elegant solution – Juniper Networks CTO Raj Yavatkar
Infographic: Juniper Beyond Labs
Juniper Networks CTO Raj Yavatkar Discusses Beyond Labs
Juniper Networks and Its Beyond Labs Vision
Talking about Juniper Networks Beyond Labs Initiative with CTO Raj Yavatkar
About Liberty Global
Liberty Global (NASDAQ: LBTYA, LBTYB and LBTYK) is a world leader in converged broadband, video and mobile communications services. We deliver next-generation products through advanced fiber and 5G networks, and currently provide over 85 million* connections across Europe and the United Kingdom. Our businesses operate under some of the best-known consumer brands, including Virgin Media-O2 in the United Kingdom, VodafoneZiggo in The Netherlands, Telenet in Belgium, Sunrise in Switzerland, Virgin Media in Ireland and UPC in Slovakia. Through our substantial scale and commitment to innovation, we are building Tomorrow’s Connections Today, investing in the infrastructure and platforms that empower our customers to make the most of the digital revolution, while deploying the advanced technologies that nations and economies need to thrive.
Liberty Global’s consolidated businesses generate annual revenue of more than $7 billion, while the VodafoneZiggo JV and the VMO2 JV generate combined annual revenue of more than $17 billion.**
Liberty Global Ventures, our global investment arm, has a portfolio of more than 75 companies across content, technology and infrastructure, including strategic stakes in companies like ITV, Televisa Univision, Plume, AtlasEdge and the Formula E racing series.
* Represents aggregate consolidated and 50% owned non-consolidated fixed and mobile subscribers. Includes wholesale mobile connections of the VMO2 JV and B2B fixed subscribers of the VodafoneZiggo JV.
** Revenue figures above are provided based on full year 2022 Liberty Global consolidated results (excluding revenue from Poland) and the combined as reported full year 2022 results for the VodafoneZiggo JV and full year 2022 U.S. GAAP results for the VMO2 JV.
Telenet, the VMO2 JV, the VodafoneZiggo JV and Sunrise UPC deliver mobile services as mobile network operators. Virgin Media Ireland delivers mobile services as a mobile virtual network operator through third-party networks.
Liberty Global plc is listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbols “LBTYA”, “LBTYB” and “LBTYK”.
About Juniper Networks
Juniper Networks believes that connectivity is not the same as experiencing a great connection. Juniper's AI-Native Networking Platform is built from the ground up to leverage AI to deliver exceptional, highly secure and sustainable user experiences from the edge to the data center and cloud. Additional information can be found at Juniper Networks ( or connect with Juniper on X (Twitter), LinkedIn, and Facebook.
Juniper Networks, the Juniper Networks logo, Juniper, Junos, and other trademarks listed here are registered trademarks of Juniper Networks, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Statement of Product Direction. Juniper Networks may disclose information related to development and plans for future products, features or enhancements, known as a Statement of Product Direction or Plan of Record (“POR”). These details provided are based on Juniper’s current development efforts and plans. These development efforts and plans are subject to change at Juniper’s sole discretion, without notice. Except as may be set forth in a definitive agreement, Juniper Networks provides no assurances and assumes no responsibility to introduce products, features or enhancements described in this website, presentation, meeting, or publication, nor is Juniper liable for any loss arising out of reliance on the POR. Purchasing decisions by third parties should not be based on this POR, and no purchases are contingent upon Juniper Networks delivering any feature or functionality described in this website, presentation, meeting, or publication.
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