Yacht Club de Monaco debuts in the Admiral's Cup 2025
MONACO, Feb. 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Yacht Club de Monaco (YCM) is set to compete for the first time in the Admiral's Cup, one of the most prestigious offshore sailing competitions in the world. Organized by the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC), the regatta will take place from July 17 to August 1, 2025, in Cowes, on the Isle of Wight. Founded in 1957 and often referred to as the “Unofficial World Cup of Offshore Sailing”, the Admiral's Cup is making its return after more than twenty years of absence, with the last edition held in 2003. The competition brings together the world's top sailors for a series of coastal and offshore races, including the Rolex Fastnet Race.
The initiative to participate in the Admiral's Cup was spearheaded by Peter Harrison, a YCM member and owner of the Jolt boats, with the full support of Pierre Casiraghi, Vice President of the Club and founder of Team Malizia. "Peter is a great sailor with an outstanding team," said Casiraghi. "When he proposed that we take part in the Admiral's Cup with the Jolt boats, I immediately accepted this incredible challenge." The Monegasque team will field two top-tier boats: the TP52 Jolt 3, skippered by Peter Harrison in the IRC Big Boat class, and the Carkeek 40 Jolt 6, helmed by Pierre Casiraghi. "We have a solid training program, high-performance boats, and a determined team," Casiraghi added. "Consistency will be key: two poor races can make everything more complicated. We must stay focused and approach each day as a new challenge."
This initiative is part of the Yacht Club de Monaco's broader sporting strategy, inspired by the vision of its President, HSH. Prince Albert II, with the goal of promoting high-level sailing and inspiring younger generations. "We have followed Boris Herrmann's journey in the Vendée Globe with pride, admiring his commitment and courage," declared the Sovereign Prince. "This new project embodies our sporting vision. These challenges inspire us and ignite new passions."
To take on this new challenge, the Monegasque crew will rely on the expertise of world-class sailors, including Boris Herrmann and Will Harris from Team Malizia, as well as Cole Brauer, the first American woman to complete a solo, non-stop circumnavigation in 130 days, and runner-up in the 2024 Global Solo Challenge. Peter Harrison shares this enthusiasm: "The Yacht Club de Monaco is a major force in world sailing. Competing in the Admiral's Cup is a unique opportunity to showcase our experience and passion."
The Admiral's Cup 2025 will bring together over 15 teams representing prestigious yacht clubs, including the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron, the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda, and the New York Yacht Club, a three-time winner of the event. Australia, represented by the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, is the defending champion, having won the last edition in 2003. The competition will feature a mix of technical inshore races and demanding offshore challenges, where consistency and the overall performance of the crew will be decisive.
By participating in this event, the Yacht Club de Monaco reaffirms its ambition to guide its members toward excellence and to strengthen its influence on the international stage. A great challenge that the Monegasque team is ready to take on with determination and passion.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/8cf1b899-3c1d-4789-9c8d-c4219a22e967
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