Iveco Group 2024 Full Year and Fourth Quarter Results
The following is an extract from the “Iveco Group 2024 Full Year and Fourth Quarter Results (*). The complete press release can be accessed by visiting the media section of the Iveco Group corporate website: or consulting the accompanying PDF:
The Board of Directors approves FY 2024 preliminary results, which mark another year of solid performance, and recommends an annual cash dividend of €0.33 per common share
The Board is considering separating the Defence business during 2025
through a spin-off
Consolidated revenues amounted to €15,289 million compared to €15,978 million in 2023. Net revenues of Industrial Activities were €14,948 million compared to €15,640 million in 2023, with positive price realisation partially offsetting lower volumes in Truck and Powertrain.
Adjusted EBIT was €982 million (€11 million increase compared to 2023) with a 6.4% margin (up 30 bps compared to 2023). Adjusted EBIT of Industrial Activities was €851 million (€849 million in 2023), with positive price realisation more than offsetting lower volumes. Adjusted EBIT margin of Industrial Activities was 5.7% (up 30 bps compared to 2023), with margin improvements in Bus, Defence and Powertrain.
Adjusted net income was €569 million (up €181 million compared to 2023) after excluding from the €394 million reported net income, primarily the loss of €145 million from the transfer of the Fire Fighting business, €96 million in engine campaign costs, and a €94 million tax benefit due to the recognition of deferred tax assets in the German jurisdiction. Adjusted diluted earnings per share was €2.09, up €0.74 compared to 2023.
Net financial expenses amounted to €211 million (€443 million in 2023), an improvement of €232 million compared to 2023 mainly due to a more contained cost of hedge impact in Argentina, resulting from the implemented hedging strategy, and an improvement in the Argentinian hyperinflation accounting impact.
Reported income tax expense was €69 million, with an adjusted Effective Tax Rate (adjusted ETR) of 26% in 2024. The adjusted ETR reflects the different tax rates applied in the jurisdictions where the Group operates and some other discrete items.
Free cash flow of Industrial Activities was positive at €402 million (€450 million in 2023) as a result of an optimised management of production levels to adapt to a lower industry demand, and an effective hedging strategy to reduce the Argentinian foreign exchange exposure.
Available liquidity was €5,474 million as of 31st December 2024, up €726 million from 31st December 2023, including €1,900 million of undrawn committed facilities.
(*) 2024 financial data shown refers to Continuing Operations only, unless otherwise stated. Continuing Operations exclude the Fire Fighting business which, following the signing of a definitive agreement for the transfer of its ownership, has been classified as Discontinued Operations; the transfer was completed on 3rd January 2025. 2023 comparative figures have been recast consistently.
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