17th Business Symposium – La Belle Classe Superyachts: A Global Dialogue on the Future of Yachting a
Bernard d’Alessandri
Bernard d’Alessandri, General Secretary of the Yacht Club de Monaco
MONACO, Feb. 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Yacht Club de Monaco recently hosted, in collaboration with UBS, the 17th Business Symposium – La Belle Classe Superyachts, a prestigious dinner debate, bringing together key players in the yachting industry. More than just a networking opportunity, the event served as a platform for professionals to exchange insights on the latest trends and innovations shaping the sector. The 2025 edition centered on a crucial topic: “The Economic Impact of International and Geopolitical Tensions on the Yachting Industry.” “This event is quite unique worldwide because tonight, we have gathered the most influential figures in the yachting industry,” said Bernard d’Alessandri, General Secretary of the Yacht Club de Monaco. “Faced with geopolitical uncertainties, international yachting must not only adapt but also anticipate. The role of the YCM is to support this change by promoting innovative and responsible yachting,” he added.
Sustainability played a significant role at this year’s symposium, beginning with an awards ceremony recognizing two yachts that achieved the three-star rating the SEA Index, a classification system measuring yacht emissions. “We developed this system by taking inspiration from the automotive industry,” explained Natalie Quévert, General Secretary of the SEA Index. “Just as people are accustomed to checking energy efficiency ratings when purchasing an appliance or a house, we created a star-rating system from zero to five stars. Five stars indicate the lowest environmental impact,” - she clarified - “A three-star rating is the minimum requirement for accessing certain benefits.” The SEA Index, a non-profit initiative launched in 2020 by the Yacht Club de Monaco and Credit Suisse, is part of the “Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting” project. It serves as a benchmark for evaluating the CO₂ emissions of yachts, supporting owners in their transition toward a more sustainable future. “We created this initiative a few years ago because superyacht owners were asking pragmatic questions,” Quévert added. “They wanted to reduce operating costs while understanding how their yachts could become more efficient and environmentally responsible.”
About global Market Trends and Geopolitical Impacts, Ralph Dazert, Head of Intelligence at Superyacht Times, provided a comprehensive analysis: “In 2024, the market continued to slow down, though not as sharply as before. During the pandemic, yacht sales reached record highs, so a subsequent decline was expected.” However, he suggested that the industry may now be at the end of this cycle, with potential signs of recovery on the horizon. A key indicator to watch is the U.S. market, especially under the newly elected President Donald Trump, whose pro-business policies could create a favorable investment climate. “Most yachts are built in Europe, and with a strengthening U.S. dollar, European yachts could become more competitively priced in the American market,” he added. The symposium also addressed the impact of ongoing global conflicts on the industry. The Russia-Ukraine war led to a sharp decline in sales to Russian clients and resulted in the seizure of at least ten large Russian-owned yachts in Western countries. However, many unfinished projects were resold, with American buyers stepping in to purchase projects similar to the ones destined for Russian clients. The Gaza conflict initially caused hesitation among Israeli and Jewish-American buyers, though this uncertainty now appears to be easing. In the Asia-Pacific region, the market is gradually recovering post-pandemic: Hong Kong remains the regional yachting hub, Singapore is emerging as a growing market, Australia remains stable, while China’s trajectory remains uncertain.
Despite ongoing uncertainties, global economic performance is expected to remain resilient, with moderate global GDP growth forecast through to 2025. The phenomenon of 'slowbalisation' - a slower but ongoing form of globalisation - is also affecting the yachting industry. There is now a greater emphasis on more regional supply chains and fast-growing emerging markets, such as the Arabian Gulf and Southeast Asia. “We live in an era where economic uncertainty is no longer an occasional disruption, but a constant reality. Despite geopolitical tensions and the restructuring of global supply chains, the wealth of billionaires has doubled over the past decade to around $14 trillion, while the number of billionaires has risen from 1,757 to 2,682,” said Ernesto De Marzio, Managing Director - Head of Front at UBS Monaco. This growth directly fuels the demand for yachts. Despite the turbulence, the global yachting market is demonstrating a remarkable ability to adapt. Continued growth in global wealth is driving demand for superyachts, with North America and Europe remaining the dominant markets, while Asia and the Middle East are experiencing rapid expansion. Emerging destinations such as Singapore and the Arabian Gulf continue to grow in importance, with significant investment in nautical tourism and an increase in local fleets.
In recent years, banks have moved beyond simply assessing the financial capacity of buyers when approving yacht finance. Environmental criteria are playing an increasingly important role. Tools such as the SEA Index, which measures the energy efficiency of superyachts, are now integrated into the financial decision-making process. Geopolitical tensions have also influenced the industry's reliance on third-party assessment tools for yacht financing. This shift reflects a wider effort by financial institutions to anticipate risk and encourage investment in line with evolving market demands.
With this symposium, the Yacht Club de Monaco has launched 2025 with renewed ambition, reaffirming its core values while looking confidently toward the future. Next on the agenda is the 14th Environmental Symposium, set to take place on March 6 at the Yacht Club de Monaco. This highly anticipated event will focus on the latest sustainability initiatives in the yachting industry, further solidifying Monaco’s commitment to a greener future.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
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