Asyad Group Shapes Global Trade and Logistics at Breakbulk Middle East 2025

MUSCAT, Oman, Feb. 10, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Asyad Group, Oman’s global integrated logistics provider, reinforces its leadership in international trade and breakbulk logistics at Breakbulk Middle East 2025, held in Dubai on February 10–11. Engaging with key industry players, Asyad drives discussions on the transformation of global supply chains, the future of breakbulk logistics, and the increasing significance of the GCC and MENA regions in global trade connectivity.
Juma Al Uraimi, Acting Chief Commercial Officer at Asyad Group, underscores the Group’s vision for a more connected, efficient, and sustainable logistics sector. “The landscape of breakbulk logistics is rapidly evolving, driven by the intersection of large-scale industrial projects, digital innovation, and sustainability imperatives,” he says. “Asyad is committed to leveraging cutting-edge technologies and integrated multimodal solutions to enhance trade flows and position Oman as a critical gateway in global supply chains.”
Asyad’s leadership contributes to key panels examining digital transformation in logistics, supply chain optimization, and infrastructure investment, reinforcing Oman’s emerging role as a strategic logistics hub linking global markets. Discussions also focus on the rising demand for logistics solutions supporting renewable energy projects.
Reggy Vermeulen, CEO of the Port of Duqm, emphasizes Oman’s growing role in the energy transition, with logistics playing a critical role in transporting wind turbines, solar panels, and other oversized equipment essential for clean energy infrastructure.
Juma Al Maskari, Director at Asyad Logistics, highlights the projected USD 300 billion expansion of contract logistics, underscoring Asyad’s role in streamlining global trade and optimizing supply chain costs. He emphasizes how Oman’s geographic positioning and logistics infrastructure provide a competitive advantage for international businesses.
Asyad’s leadership in hydrogen logistics is also a focal point, with Tom Anneberg, VP Commercial Strategy & Product Development, showcasing the Group’s support for large-scale green hydrogen and ammonia ventures in Salalah Freezone. These projects reinforce Oman’s role as a key player in the global clean energy supply chain.
With over 60% of logistics providers investing in AI, IoT, and automation, the industry undergoes a digital transformation. Asyad remains at the forefront, harnessing its USD 4.1+ billion logistics ecosystem to drive innovation, enhance trade efficiency, and strengthen Oman’s position as a global logistics powerhouse.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
For more information, please contact:
Sudipta Dasgupta
PR and Communications Manager
T: +968 24696005/6
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