Hivello’s $HVLO Token Live on and MEXC exchanges

LONDON and AMSTERDAM, Feb. 11, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hivello, a DePIN aggregator that enables users to earn by monetising idle computer resources across multiple decentralised networks, has announced their Token Generation Event (TGE) is live, and the $HVLO token is officially trading. This marks a significant milestone in Hivello’s mission to redefine- and expand the DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks) ecosystem.
Key Dates and times:
- – 11 February 2025, 10 AM UTC
- MEXC – 11 February 2025, 10 AM UTC
- (Solana DEX) – 12 February 2025, 11AM UTC (25 hours later)
The company requests that interested individuals visit Hivello’s official website for all the latest information, including the Contract Address (CA) for the smart contract.
The $HVLO token is important in Hivello’s ecosystem, incentivizing users to contribute compute, storage, and networking resources to DePIN protocols. By listing on and MEXC, two of the industry's leading centralized exchanges, and Raydium, the largest decentralized exchange (DEX) on Solana, Hivello is ensuring deep liquidity and accessibility for a wide range of users.
Now that $HVLO is live on multiple exchanges, multiple benefits exist:
- Stake $HVLO via for an APY of 88%.
- Expanding accessibility and benefits of $HVLO, enabling more users to participate in decentralized compute mining, earn rewards, and leverage the token's utility across the growing DePIN ecosystem.
- Enhancing staking and governance functionalities for $HVLO holders, ensuring long-term engagement and sustainability.
- Expanding partnerships with DePIN protocols and AI compute networks, driving broader adoption of decentralized infrastructure.
- Scaling its network of decentralized node operators, making it easier for users worldwide to contribute to DePIN.
Hivello will be running an X Space event for people to tune in, details below:
- Date & Time: 11th February, 2025, 2PM UTC
- Link:
For the latest updates on staking, rewards, and DePIN integrations, users are encouraged to follow Hivello’s official channels:
- Website:
- Twitter:
- Discord:
- Telegram: @hivello_official
Domenic Carosa, Co-Founder & Chairman of Hivello, stated:
"Launching $HVLO and listing it on, MEXC, and Raydium is a major achievement for Hivello and our growing community. These listings provide global accessibility, allowing more users to engage with decentralized compute and earn rewards through DePIN."
About Hivello
Hivello is a DePIN aggregator that enables users to earn by monetising idle computer resources across multiple decentralised networks. The Swiss-based HVLO Association will issue the $HVLO token under license from Hivello Holdings Ltd.
Website | X | Discord | LinkedIn
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:
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