Klook Closes $100 Million Investment to Fuel Next Decade of Travel Experiences Growth
Investment Positions Klook to Lead the Next Decade of Tourism Growth and Innovation in Asia Pacific
Klook, a leading platform for experiences and travel services in Asia, today announced US$100 million in funding led by the global growth investment firm Vitruvian Partners. The latest investment underscores continued confidence in Klook’s vision, market leadership, and operational excellence as the company accelerates its efforts to capture the fast-growing market of next generation travelers and deepen its reach across Asia Pacific.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250211163358/en/
Marking its 10th anniversary in 2024, Klook has been instrumental in redefining how travelers discover and book in-destination experiences. The company has facilitated millions of seamless travel moments, empowered local businesses, and contributed US$7.2 billion in GDP and supported over 219,000 jobs in Asia Pacific1, reaffirming its pivotal role as a key economic engine in the region’s tourism sector.
“Over the past decade, Klook has established itself as the go-to platform for travel experiences in Asia Pacific, reimagining how travelers discover and connect with destinations. With the region set to remain the heartbeat of global tourism, Klook’s strong brand, extensive supply network, and deep local expertise position us to deliver even greater value to the next generation of experience-driven travelers across the world. We are excited to welcome Vitruvian on this journey,” said Ethan Lin, CEO and Co-Founder of Klook.
According to recent forecasts, international visitor arrivals in the region are expected to grow from 619 million in 2024 to 762 million by 20262, surpassing previous highs in 2019. This resurgence, coupled with evolving traveler behaviors—including a growing preference for experiences over material goods—positions Klook to capture significant market share as a trusted platform for experiences and services across the region.
The investment from Vitruvian Partners, known for backing high-growth, category-defining companies, brings a wealth of expertise and global perspective to Klook’s next phase of growth. With a strong track record of supporting travel innovators and scaling global businesses, Vitruvian’s partnership reinforces Klook’s ambition to expand its reach, and solidify its position as a category leader.
"We are thrilled to partner with Klook at this pivotal moment in its journey. Klook’s track record of innovation, commitment to customer experience, and deep market expertise make it uniquely positioned to lead the transformation of travel experiences in Asia Pacific. We believe Vitruvian's investment and its deep thematic expertise in the global travel experience market will help further drive Klook’s growth by strengthening its operational capabilities and expanding its reach," said Sophie Bower-Straziota, Partner at Vitruvian Partners.
The newly secured capital will drive Klook's next phase of growth and innovation. Through its expanded AI partnership with Google Cloud, the company plans to enhance customer experience, merchant operations, and internal productivity. Klook is also future-proofing the tourism sector through digital transformation and fostering community impact in collaboration with tourism boards across Asia-Pacific. A recent agreement with the Philippine Department of Tourism (DOT) exemplifies this approach, accelerating the digital transformation of the country’s tourism sector and improving access to authentic local experiences.
About Klook
Klook is a leading platform for experiences and travel services in Asia. We curate quality experiences ranging from attractions and tours to local transport and experiential stays, in over 2,700 destinations globally. Founded in 2014, we are here to inspire and enable more moments of joy for travelers anytime, anywhere.
About Vitruvian Partners
Vitruvian Partners is a global growth-focused investor with offices across London, Stockholm, Munich, Madrid, Luxembourg, Mumbai, Singapore, Shanghai, Miami, and San Francisco. Vitruvian focuses on dynamic situations characterized by rapid growth and change across asset-light industries. Vitruvian has c.$20bn of active funds which have backed many global winners and leaders in their sectors, including Just Eat, EasyPark, Skyscanner, Wise, Global-e, CFC, CRF Health, Civitatis, Darktrace, and Bitdefender. Further information can be found at www.vitruvianpartners.com
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