Resonance Consultancy unveils the first-ever 2025 Asia-Pacific’s Best Cities Report
The global place branding advisor today announced the Asia-Pacific region’s 100 top-performing cities in their inaugural Asia-Pacific’s Best Cities Report, developed in partnership with Ipsos. The ranking was unveiled in Singapore earlier today at the Centre for Livable Cities Lecture Series. Singapore tops the ranking for 2025, while 33 Chinese cities make the Top 100, the most of any country, with India in second place at 26 cities, and Japan a distant third with nine cities.
SINGAPORE, Feb. 12, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Resonance Consultancy is proud to present the inaugural Asia-Pacific’s Best Cities Report, the most comprehensive evaluation of urban performance and perception in one of the world’s most dynamic regions. Covering a region that accounts for more than a third of global economic output, this report benchmarks 100 cities across 25 metrics that matter to residents, visitors, and investors alike.
From the tech-driven innovation of Bangalore and the cultural bounty of Kyoto to the modern sophistication of Singapore and the serene beachfront beauty of Kannur, the Asia-Pacific Best Cities rankings shine a spotlight on cities that lead in prosperity, livability, and lovability—from Auckland to Lahore.
Download the 2025 Asia-Pacific's Best Cities Report and all 100 city profiles at
Explore all Top 100 Asia-Pacific cities here.
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“Cities in the Asia-Pacific are defining the future of urban living right before our eyes,” said Chris Fair, President and CEO of Resonance Consultancy. “This report captures not only their under-explored economic vitality but also the intangibles that make them unique—celebrating their people, traditions, and visionary development that is, in some ways, becoming the urban blueprint for the rest of the world.”
Top 10 Cities in the 2025 Asia-Pacific’s Best Cities Report
- Singapore – A global powerhouse excelling in infrastructure, GDP per capita, and innovation, Singapore continues to redefine modern urban living.
- Tokyo, Japan – The perfect blend of culture, commerce, and connectivity, Tokyo ranks high for its attractions, museums, and nightlife.
- Seoul, South Korea – A technology and cultural giant, Seoul combines futuristic infrastructure with historic charm.
- Hong Kong – A resilient financial hub with a rich history, Hong Kong remains a top destination for business and culture.
- Beijing – China’s economic heart invents our future while trying to keep the Chinese miracle going amidst growing global headwinds.
- Bangkok, Thailand – Rising with investments in high-speed rail and urban renewal, Bangkok cements its role as a gateway city.
- Sydney, Australia – With pristine beaches and cutting-edge business districts, Sydney is a magnet for global talent and investment.
- Shanghai, China – As one of the world’s busiest ports, Shanghai leads in global commerce and cultural innovation.
- Melbourne, Australia – Renowned for its livability, cultural vibrancy, and food scene, Melbourne maintains its global appeal.
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – A multicultural marvel, KL shines with its thriving financial sector and bold urban developments.
“We are honored that Singapore has been ranked at the top of this new report, alongside other Asian cities widely acknowledged for their exemplary urban achievements,” said Hugh Lim, Executive Director, Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC). “Resonance’s report serves as an excellent resource for peer learning among Asian cities; we look forward to deepening our partnership through jointly organized CLC-Resonance knowledge sharing events and programs.”
A New Benchmark: The Place Power™ Score
The report features Resonance’s proprietary Place Power™ Score, which combines economic data, urban performance metrics, and perception-based insights gathered from more than 7,000 respondents across nine Asia-Pacific countries. This innovative approach, developed with Resonance research partners Ipsos, allows for a nuanced understanding of what makes a city desirable for residents, visitors, and businesses.
Explore the Rankings
Discover the full rankings and insights by downloading the free 2025 Asia-Pacific’s Best Cities Report now.
Explore all Top 100 Asia-Pacific cities here.
About Resonance Consultancy
Resonance creates transformative strategies, brands and campaigns that empower destinations, cities and communities to realize their full potential. As leading advisors in real estate, tourism and economic development, Resonance combines expertise in research, strategy, branding and communications to make destinations, cities and developments more valuable and more vibrant.
About Ipsos
Ipsos is one of the largest market research and polling companies globally, operating in 90 markets and employing nearly 20,000 people. Our passionately curious research professionals, analysts and scientists have built unique multi-specialist capabilities that provide true understanding and powerful insights into the actions, opinions and motivations of citizens, consumers, patients, customers or employees. Our 75 business solutions are based on primary data from our surveys, social media monitoring, and qualitative or observational techniques. “Game Changers”—our tagline—summarizes our ambition to help our 5,000 clients navigate with confidence our rapidly changing world. Founded in France in 1975, Ipsos has been listed on the Euronext Paris since July 1, 1999. The company is part of the SBF 120 and Mid-60 indices and is eligible for the Deferred Settlement Service (SRD). ISIN code FR0000073298, Reuters ISOS.PA, Bloomberg IPS:FP
About World's Best Cities
Best Cities is the home of Resonance’s exclusive ranking of the world’s top urban regions. The data is used by leading news outlets, trusted by city leaders, and is widely considered to be the world’s most comprehensive annual city ranking. Bloomberg calls it, ”The most comprehensive study of its kind; it identifies cities that are most desirable for locals, visitors, and businesspeople alike, rather than simply looking at livability or tourism appeal.” | #BestCities
Tom Gierasimczuk Resonance Consultancy 604-649-8664
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