FloQast Announces Winners of the 2024 Global Partner of the Year Awards
Awards recognize outstanding partners for exceptional collaboration, implementation excellence, and driving unparalleled customer value
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- FloQast, an Accounting Transformation Platform created by accountants for accountants, is proud to announce the winners of its 2024 Global Partner of the Year Awards. These awards honor partners who have demonstrated exemplary dedication to collaboration and innovation, a commitment to outstanding delivery and implementations, and the creation of exceptional value for mutual customers. This year's awardees have set new standards in harnessing FloQast’s Accounting Transformation Platform to drive operational excellence and organizational change with month-end close management, compliance, and other critical accounting and finance processes. Winners include:
Americas Partner of the Year: CFGI
CFGI receives this award for its steadfast commitment to partnership, consistency, and excellence throughout 2024. Its strategic go-to-market engagement with the FloQast sales organization has led to significant revenue impact and enhanced value for shared customers.
Breakout Partner of the Year: Accordion
Accordion has rapidly identified strategic avenues to strengthen its alliance with FloQast, delivering impactful results and significant value to shared clients. Aligned with FloQast's vision and committed to excellence, Accordion has established itself as a trusted and innovative partner. Its embrace of the FloQast vision and commitment to excellence has rapidly driven impactful results, created substantial customer value, and laid a strong foundation for future success and growth.
Implementation Partner of the Year: CFGI
Renowned for delivering seamless implementations, CFGI has set a benchmark for excellence through exceptional collaboration with FloQast's sales and customer success teams, a high volume of successful deployments, and outstanding customer satisfaction. Its unwavering dedication to delivering the best outcomes is reflected in both the quality of its work and consistently high satisfaction scores.
EMEA Partner of the Year: PwC UK
PwC UK is honored for its outstanding contributions to growth and measurable value in the EMEA market. Its localized expertise, strategic collaboration, and consistent execution have established a new standard for success in the region.
Elite Partner Tier Achievements: CFGI, Accordion, Connor Group, Crowe, CrossCountry Consulting
The Elite Tier celebrates partners like Accordion, CFGI, Connor Group, Crowe, and CrossCountry for their exceptional performance, unwavering commitment to excellence, and the significant impact they've made on mutual customers. Through their work, these distinguished partners have not only aligned with FloQast’s mission but also delivered transformative results, driving success and adding value to clients across industries. Their dedication to achieving shared goals has fostered stronger client relationships and best-in-class business outcomes.
Our partners play a crucial role in FloQast’s mission of driving accounting transformation and delivering outstanding value to our customers," said Mike Whitmire, CEO and co-founder of FloQast, CPA. "Their dedication, teamwork, and innovative mindset help us push both business and geographic boundaries and develop solutions that are changing the face of accounting. We're proud to recognize their efforts and excited to continue moving forward together.”
For more information about the FloQast Global Partner Program, click here.
About FloQast
FloQast, an Accounting Transformation Platform created by accountants for accountants, enables organizations to automate a variety of accounting operations. Trusted by more than 3,000 global accounting teams – including Twilio, Los Angeles Lakers, Zoom, and Snowflake – FloQast enhances the way accounting teams work, enabling customers to automate close management, account reconciliations, accounting operations, and compliance activities. With FloQast, teams can utilize the latest advancements in AI technology to manage aspects of the close, reduce their compliance burden, stay audit-ready, and improve accuracy, visibility, and collaboration overall. FloQast is consistently rated #1 across all user review sites. Learn more at FloQast.com.
Kyle Cabodi
FloQast Director of Corporate Communications
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