Starlink Solutions for Next-Generation Disaster Response
18 February 2025, Paris, France: As the frequency of natural disasters continues to rise, IEC Telecom has launched RDK 2.0, a next-generation Rapid Deployment Kit designed to provide uninterrupted, high-speed connectivity to first responders and humanitarian teams. With Starlink Mini at the core, this intelligent solution comes with an advanced network management toolkit and off-grid power supply, expanding possibilities of aid operations.
The increasing prevalence of climate-related disasters underscores the urgent need for robust communication solutions. According to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the frequency of natural disasters has surged by 83% over the past two decades. From floods to fires, hurricanes to landslides, these events require immediate and coordinated action. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) reports that more than 75% of first responders identify dependable connectivity as the single most critical factor for operational efficiency. Reflecting this demand, the market for mobile satellite services in disaster management is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5% through 2030.
IEC Telecom, with over 30 years of experience supporting the humanitarian sector, is uniquely positioned to address these challenges. As an authorised reseller of Starlink, IEC Telecom integrates advanced satellite technology with proprietary network management tools, delivering tailored solutions that empower emergency response teams to operate effectively in high-stakes scenarios.
“RDK 2.0 was designed to redefine the end-user experience with Starlink, taking it to an entirely new level. Our solution enables autonomous, off-grid operation of the terminal. Integrated with OptiView, our advanced network management ecosystem, each kit can be remotely accessed for troubleshooting, ensuring seamless support in the field. In critical situations where every minute counts, RDK 2.0 delivers a comprehensive connectivity solution tailored to the specific needs of aid operations,” said Alf Stian Mauritz, Chief Strategy Officer of IEC Telecom Group.
RDK 2.0, powered by the innovative Starlink Mini, sets a new benchmark for reliable high-speed low-latency satellite connectivity and in the field. Featuring a compact terminal equipped with WIFI 5 technology, the smart case can seamlessly support up to 128 devices. Designed for ultimate autonomy, RDK 2.0 is fitted with batteries, enabling uninterrupted operation without dependence on external power sources. It can also be fitted with a car-mount kit for the Mini, enabling users to stay connected on the move.Seamless integration with IEC Telecom’s OptiView dashboard offers real-time monitoring giving teams full visibility and control over their network, ensuring entire teams stay connected during critical missions.
“We believe that RDK 2.0 represents a significant leap forward in disaster response capabilities,” added Alf Stian Mauritz. “By combining Starlink’s state-of-the-art satellite technology with our expertise in network engineering, we’re equipping first responders with a reliable, portable tool that enhances their agility and effectiveness in the field, ultimately saving lives.”
The new solution will be revealed at the Global Security Risk and Policy Conference (GISF), taking place in Ireland from 26 Feb 2025 to 27 February 2025.
About IEC Telecom:
IEC Telecom Group is a leading international provider of satellite voice and data services, with over three decades of expertise in network management solutions. The company plays a pivotal role in driving digitalisation at sea and across remote regions where GSM coverage is limited or unavailable. For urban enterprises, IEC Telecom ensures business continuity with resilient satellite backup solutions.
With a comprehensive portfolio covering the entire communications lifecycle—from POC development to installation and maintenance—IEC Telecom also provides a wide range of value-added services, including cybersecurity, welfare communications, tracking, and more.
IEC Telecom maintains a strong regional presence across eight countries, supported by a vast distribution network and global stock availability, ensuring seamless worldwide delivery.
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