Maestro Raises $3M in Seed Funding to Propel the Bitcoin DeFi Revolution
Enterprise-grade blockchain infrastructure transforms Bitcoin from a store of value into a decentralized financial ecosystem
AUSTIN, Texas, Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Maestro, the first enterprise-grade infrastructure provider designed from the ground up for Bitcoin DeFi, today announced the successful close of its $3 million seed funding round. Co-led by Wave Digital Assets and Draper Associates—with participation from UTXO Management, Bitcoin Frontier Fund, Draper Dragon, and Necto Labs—the capital injection will accelerate Maestro’s mission to enable businesses, financial institutions, and even nation-states to seamlessly interface with the emerging Bitcoin financial system.
"I believe the Bitcoin economy will be a catalyst for global economic empowerment, transforming how people interact with money on every level. Maestro provides the critical infrastructure needed for this digital financial revolution. I’m thrilled to lead this seed round and support a future where Bitcoin empowers communities worldwide." -- Tim Draper, Founder of Draper Associates
Maestro stands at the forefront of Bitcoin Defi, pioneering UTXO-based infrastructure services that simplify the complex process of building Bitcoin-native financial applications. Maestro offers high-performance APIs, powerful developer tooling, and innovative solutions such as mempool metaprotocol indexing that enables real-time onchain insights. Maestro is laying the foundation for a decentralized financial ecosystem reminiscent of the transformative impact cloud providers like AWS had on the Web2 technology sector.
“With this seed round, we’re not just raising capital—we’re igniting a movement to unlock Bitcoin’s full potential as a financial system,” said Marvin Bertin, CEO at Maestro. “Our vision is to redefine how tech companies and enterprises interact with Bitcoin, moving it beyond a digital store of value to a dynamic, programmable platform for decentralized finance. We are running the infrastructure that will power the blockchain economy of tomorrow. ”
How Maestro is fueling a financial transformation by empowering the Bitcoin ecosystem:
- An All-In-One Blockchain Infrastructure Platform: Last year Maestro released a state-of-the-art UTXO indexing platform taylor-made for the needs of Defi on Bitcoin. This year, Maestro is onboarding top protocols across all Defi segments: crypto wallets, decentralized exchanges, and lending protocols that will onboard millions to Bitcoin.
- Bridging Traditional and Decentralized Finance: Maestro’s technology overcomes longstanding barriers, such as poor developer tooling, delivering a user experience that empowers both innovative startups and enterprises to build scalable financial products directly on Bitcoin’s base layer.
- Ecosystem Partnerships: The company is forging strategic alliances across the Bitcoin landscape. For example, a collaboration with Arch Network to enable Bitcoin contract programmability via a parallel execution layer. Another example is Saturn leveraging Maestro to launch the first AMM DEX on Bitcoin L1, enabling a trustless high-frequency trading experience
“Saturn and Maestro are redefining what's possible on the base layer of Bitcoin, delivering a user experience that feels like sub-1-second transactions. It’s about bringing unparalleled efficiency and usability to Bitcoin’s foundation, setting a new standard for decentralized trading,” noted Saturn.
Maestro’s technology is already making significant inroads into the broader Bitcoin ecosystem. By providing the blockchain infrastructure needed to catalyze what many are calling the first “DeFi Summer” on Bitcoin. The company’s innovative approach not only enhances Bitcoin’s utility but also paves the way for traditional financial institutions to leverage Bitcoin’s $2 trillion market cap to power a new generation of financial services.
“At Wave, we like to invest in critical infrastructure that powers the future of blockchain adoption. Maestro is solving one of the biggest bottlenecks in crypto—building developer-friendly infrastructure for UTXO chains like Bitcoin and Cardano. Their platform provides scalable APIs that dramatically accelerates development for dApp builders. This is the kind of foundational innovation that moves the entire ecosystem forward. We’re excited to back Maestro as they continue to push the boundaries of blockchain infrastructure and enable the next generation of builders.” – David Siemer, CEO at Wave Digital Assets
The $3 million raised in this seed round underscores the investment community's support for Maestro’s vision and technological expertise. With the backing of industry-leading investors, Maestro is well-positioned to accelerate the transition of Bitcoin from a mere store of value to a vibrant, blockchain-native financial ecosystem that is secure, scalable, and accessible to all communities around the globe.
For more information about Maestro visit
About Maestro
Maestro is the first enterprise-grade infrastructure provider tailor-made for Bitcoin DeFi. Its mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to the Bitcoin Economy by delivering a comprehensive, scalable infrastructure stack optimized for UTXO-based decentralized finance. By empowering developers with robust tools and APIs, Maestro is setting a new standard for how financial applications are built on Bitcoin—fueling the evolution of a decentralized, blockchain-native financial system.
Press Contact:
Marvin Bertin
TG: @MarvinDefi
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:
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