Pioneering new Standards in High Bandwidth Connectivity with Cavli CQM200 5G NR Cellular IoT Module
The CQM200 5G NR Sub-6 IoT Module sets new benchmarks for data speeds and carrier aggregation, making it the ideal choice for high-bandwidth IoT solutions across Industry 4.0, smart cities, and beyond
SAN JOSE, Calif., Feb. 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cavli Wireless, a leading innovator in IoT solutions, is thrilled to announce the unveiling of its flagship 5G NR Sub-6 CQM200 Cellular IoT Module. The CQM200 is engineered to meet the strict demands of high throughput connected applications, delivering high-speed 5G NR connectivity IoT-enabled applications. With this launch, Cavli continues to solidify its position as a trusted partner for OEMs developing next-generation automotive solutions.
The CQM200 module is engineered to provide superior 5G NR Sub-6 performance, adhering to 3GPP Release 17 standards. The CQM200 module measures 45 x 52 mm* and is offered in an LGA form factor. It offers exceptional download speeds of up to 3.7 Gbps and upload speeds of up to 2.5 Gbps, addressing the needs of high-throughput, data-heavy IoT applications. Built on the Qualcomm SDX72 chipset, the module integrates state-of-the-art components, including a Quad-Core Arm Cortex A55 processor and Qualcomm Hexagon DSP processor, to handle complex computing tasks with seamless efficiency.
A key feature of the CQM200 is its 3x Carrier Aggregation (3CA) capability. This allows the module to aggregate multiple carrier frequencies, optimizing the available radio spectrum for higher data speeds and better network reliability. With a 100MHz bandwidth, this module ensures continuous, high-quality connectivity, even under demanding conditions. Applications that require ultra-low latency even in areas of network congestion, like real-time industrial control systems, smart surveillance, or autonomous vehicles, benefit significantly from the CQM200's speed and network resilience.
Equipped with global compatibility, the CQM200 supports eSIM technology and multi-constellation GNSS (L1+L5), facilitating worldwide deployments. Whether for asset tracking, real-time data analytics, or other location-based services, this module ensures seamless connectivity in even the most challenging environments. The inclusion of GNSS guarantees precise positioning, enabling accurate location-based services critical for modern IoT solutions. The CQM200 caters to a wide range of industries, delivering transformative solutions for IoT applications. In Industry 4.0, the module's high throughput and advanced processing capabilities facilitate real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance for industry floors with a multitude of machines that generate large volumes of data. This enables manufacturers to optimize operational costs and minimize downtime by employing Industrial gateways/routers powered by the module. For smart cities, the CQM200 supports intelligent infrastructure, such as smart surveillance solutions and public safety systems, ensuring more efficient and responsive urban environments. In the logistics and transportation sectors, the module's GNSS capabilities and robust connectivity enable accurate real-time tracking, improving operational efficiency and ensuring the security of high-value assets.
The CQM200's Hubble integration further enhances its capabilities by introducing remote diagnosis, monitoring, and debugging of the module along with Hubble Applet service, an advanced component of the Cavli Hubble IoT connectivity & modem management platform. This feature eliminates the necessity for physical intervention, simplifying the expansion of IoT solutions. Through strategic alliances with operators worldwide, Cavli has established a substantial presence, delivering unparalleled connectivity solutions that set new standards in service quality and cost-effectiveness.
John Mathew, the CEO and the Chief Technology Architect of Cavli Wireless, remarked, “The introduction of the CQM200 module marks a crucial moment for both Cavli and the IoT industry. With its 5G-NR Sub-6 capability, massive data throughput, and advanced processing power, the CQM200 is designed to address the increasingly complex demands of high-performance applications that require ultra-low latency connectivity along with seamless scalability for deployments across the world.”
By combining advanced features with seamless global connectivity, Cavli continues to set new standards for reliability, scalability, and innovation in cellular IoT. As the IoT landscape evolves, the CQM200 stands as a testament to Cavli's vision of enabling future-ready connectivity solutions that empower industries and drive technological advancement. We encourage you to engage with our solution specialists to explore how CQM200 can enhance your upcoming project.
About Cavli Wireless
Cavli Wireless is a cellular IoT module manufacturer that combines IoT connectivity and data management into one platform. Cavli designs and manufactures industrial-grade cellular IoT smart modules that improve equipment reliability and expedite application development processes. Cavli's smart cellular modules are equipped with global cellular connectivity through integrated eSIM functionality that provides users with affordable global data pricing, simplified device management, and centralized subscription management through the proprietary cloud-based platform Cavli Hubble.
Abhinand Dinesh
Sr. Associate - Corporate Marketing
Cavli Wireless
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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