Bitget Launches Exclusive Campaign for FTX Creditors with up to $2,500 in Incentives
VICTORIA, Seychelles, Feb. 19, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, has announced an exclusive promotion for FTX creditors effective from February 17th to March 4th. Following the recent events surrounding FTX, Bitget recognizes the challenges faced by creditors and is committed to supporting the community. This special promotion is designed to offer attractive incentives, boost market sentiment, and reignite trust in the crypto space.
To join the campaign, users must first sign up for a Bitget account using the same email address as the one used on FTX. This step is crucial in order to confirm their identity as an FTX creditor. Once the identity verification is completed, users may submit their FTX creditor information and deposit funds to their Bitget account to receive up to $2,500. The net deposit amount is calculated based on all deposits and withdrawals made during the promotion. As long as users submit creditor information before the promotion ends, all net deposits made before approval will still be counted. About 80% of the incentives will be distributed as USDT futures trading bonuses, while the remaining 20% will be distributed in BGB.
Bitget prioritizes a secure trading environment, operating with competence, transparency, and a commitment to continuous compliance with evolving global cryptocurrency regulations.
Strong from its strategic initiatives and constant innovation, the platform now counts over 100 million users and has a daily trading volume exceeding $20 billion. Recently, Forbes listed Bitget as one of the top most trusted crypto exchanges worldwide. In 2024, Bitget expanded its user base by 400%, from 20M in January to 100M in December. Spot trading surged from $160B in Q1 to $600B in Q4; daily volumes doubled to $20B. The high-paced updates and top performance amongst CEXs has pushed Bitget amongst the top #3 exchanges in derivates trading while strengthening its positioning amongst the top #5 on Spot.
The firm provides over 100% asset protection, backed by transparent Proof of Reserves and the industry's second largest insurance fund of $600 million. Bitget has a strong foothold globally, which it plans to strengthen by providing world-class products and a trustworthy ecosystem.
More information about the event can be found here.
About Bitget
Established in 2018, Bitget is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 100 million users in 150+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions, while offering real-time access to Bitcoin price, Ethereum price, and other cryptocurrency prices. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, token swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more.
Bitget is at the forefront of driving crypto adoption through strategic partnerships, such as its role as the Official Crypto Partner of the World's Top Football League, LALIGA, in EASTERN, SEA and LATAM market, as well as a global partner of Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team), to inspire the global community to embrace the future of cryptocurrency.
For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
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Risk Warning: Digital asset prices are subject to fluctuation and may experience significant volatility. Investors are advised to only allocate funds they can afford to lose. The value of any investment may be impacted, and there is a possibility that financial objectives may not be met, nor the principal investment recovered. Independent financial advice should always be sought, and personal financial experience and standing carefully considered. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Bitget accepts no liability for any potential losses incurred. Nothing contained herein should be construed as financial advice.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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