Fluke EV Survey Highlights OEM and Technician Confidence Despite 68% Citing a Gap in Industry Adopti
Vehicle Compatibility, Charger Reliability, and Skills Shortage Emphasize Key Hurdles to Accelerating EV Charging Infrastructure Growth
Everett, Washington, Feb. 19, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Summary:
- Over 68% of those surveyed acknowledge the EV industry is falling behind on the adoption curve, highlighting sector-wide challenges.
- 40% of respondents predict that widespread charger availability will lag behind demand for up to seven years or longer.
- 44% cite inoperable chargers, and 40% highlight software incompatibility as major hurdles to EV charging infrastructure.
- 32% of respondents cite predictive maintenance, and 31% highlight artificial intelligence as key to a successful EV charging strategy.
A new Fluke survey released today reveals that while 68% of respondents feel the EV industry is behind the adoption curve, 92% remain confident that current standards and regulations will pave the way for long-term success in EV charging infrastructure.
The Fluke commissioned survey gleaned insights from more than 400 EV charger original equipment manufacturers and technicians in the UK, USA, Germany, and the Netherlands. Survey results also demonstrated that despite incentives throughout the US and Europe, and with strong consumer demand driving EV adoption, 47% of respondents believe the industry is 25–50% behind the adoption curve, while 17% believe it to be more than 50% behind. Notably, 40% of U.S. respondents predict that widespread charger availability won't meet demand for up to seven years, or longer.
The survey identified charger maintenance as a top concern for the future of the EV industry, with 36% of respondents identifying it as a key challenge. Adding to the complexity, 44% pointed to inoperable chargers as one of the biggest hurdles facing the EV charging infrastructure, closely followed by 40% who cited software incompatibility as a significant obstacle. Compounding these challenges, 88% of respondents highlighted a critical skills gap within the EV workforce, signaling an urgent need for training and development to support the industry's growth.
"I'm encouraged that while 68% of respondents recognize a gap in industry adoption, the survey highlights a strong sense of confidence as industry leaders take proactive steps to address critical challenges," said Alex Chillman, Fluke Vice President of Innovation. "To pave the way for sustained industry growth and innovation, we must prioritize comprehensive worker training and ensure the availability of a reliable, well-maintained charging infrastructure. Charger maintenance also remains a significant concern and addressing it will be essential to meeting the growing demand for electric vehicles."
The survey results underscore Fluke's call for greater emphasis on proactive maintenance strategies and workforce development to address the skills gap and meet the growing demand for reliable EV charging infrastructure. Respondents identified key factors critical to a successful EV charging strategy, with 32% highlighting predictive maintenance and 31% citing artificial intelligence as essential for optimizing performance.
Additionally, resilient infrastructure design, remote monitoring and diagnostics, and the adoption of standardized best practices were identified as vital for ensuring the reliability, efficiency, and adaptability of the evolving EV charging ecosystem.
"The EV industry is at a defining moment—growth is accelerating, and the demand for reliability has never been higher," said Fluke Chief Product Officer Vineet Thuvara. "Our research reveals a critical need to close maintenance gaps, upskill technicians, and ensure every charging point delivers peak performance. As PDMs (Power Distribution Modules) expand, power quality at every node becomes mission-critical. The path to a sustainable future depends on a smarter, more resilient infrastructure."
About Fluke
Founded in 1948, Fluke Corporation is the world leader in compact, professional electronic test tools and software for measuring and condition monitoring. Fluke customers are technicians, engineers, electricians, maintenance managers, and metrologists who install, troubleshoot, and maintain industrial, electrical, and electronic equipment and calibration processes.
FLUKE is a registered trademark of Fluke Corporation. For more information, visit the Fluke website.
Georgia Marchant
Fluke Corporation
Dave Smith
Fluke Corporation
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