The Islamic-Islamic Dialogue Conference Opens in Manama with Wide Participation
Under the Patronage of the King of Bahrain and in the Presence of the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, the Islamic-Islamic Dialogue Conference Opens in Manama with Wide Participation
MANAMA, Kingdom of Bahrain, Feb. 19, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Islamic-Islamic Dialogue Conference opened today, Wednesday, in the capital, Manama, under the theme "One Nation, One Shared Destiny." The conference is held under the esteemed patronage of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the King of Bahrain, and in the presence of His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Professor Dr Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Chairman of the Muslim Council of Elders. The event has drawn the participation of over 400 distinguished Islamic scholars, intellectuals, and thought leaders from around the world.
During the opening session, His Excellency Shaikh Abdulrahman bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Khalifa, Chairman of the Kingdom of Bahrain’s Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, emphasised the importance of focusing on the many shared principles among Islamic sects. He underscored that coexistence, mutual understanding, consensus, and respect must remain unwavering pillars of Islamic unity.
In his keynote speech, His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar stressed that addressing contemporary challenges and successive crises can only be achieved through Islamic unity, facilitated by open channels of communication among all components of the Muslim Ummah. He affirmed that no party should be excluded while upholding respect for national sovereignty, borders, and territorial integrity.
Meanwhile, His Excellency Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia, called for strengthening the values of unity among Islamic nations. He clarified that such unity does not imply uniformity but rather embraces diversity as a source of strength for the Muslim world.
Similarly, His Excellency Maulen Ashimbayev, Chairman of the Senate of Kazakhstan, underscored the pressing need for unity among Islamic sects and interfaith dialogue as a means to address global challenges.
His Excellency Hissein Brahim Taha, Secretary-General of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, highlighted the importance of reinforcing solidarity and cooperation among Islamic nations to confront shared challenges. Additionally, His Eminence Shaikh Ahmad Moballeghi, a member of Iran’s Assembly of Experts, stressed that Islamic unity is not merely an intellectual concept but a religious necessity mandated by the very objectives of Islamic law.
For more information:
Global Communication Office
National Communication Centre
Kingdom of Bahrain
Phone: +97313111119
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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