St Kitts and Nevis Paves the Way for its Global Citizens to “Connect, Collaborate and Celebrate” at
Basseterre, March 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Government of St Kitts and Nevis have ushered in a new era of investing through the “Investment Gateway Summit”, calling for its economic citizens to visit their home. Global investors and high-net-worth individuals (HWNIs) can explore endless opportunities whilst being hosted by the Government.
The Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew, along with his Government, extends a personal invitation to citizens and investors to attend the exclusive inaugural Investment Gateway Summit from 11 to 15 May 2024.
This significant event is an opportunity for Kittian and Nevisian citizens around the world to return home to discover how the twin-island federation is utilising economic diversification to advance developments and our citizens.
This personal invitation from Honourable Dr. Drew, is an experience not to be missed to learn about the Sustainable Island State Agenda from the Government and key speakers , while connecting and building with visionary leaders, global businesspeople, and economic citizens.
During the five-day Summit, economic citizens can engage and interact with national leaders and global experts. They can also explore the natural wonders the islands have to offer, with unique premium experiences to share with the world.
Please click here to secure your exclusive spot at the Investment Gateway Summit.
What to Expect from the Summit?
As an economic citizen, this will be your opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals in various businesses and network with businesspeople.
Economic Citizens will have the opportunity to experience firsthand what initiatives St Kitts and Nevis are engaging in and the progress of each development.
Learn about St Kitts and Nevis’ economic outlook for 2024 and beyond in addition to understanding how economic diversification can inspire change. Investment-led projects in the twin-federation and how you can become part of these exciting developments will be presented.
Gain insights into the Sustainable Island State Agenda and why it is an essential element in the “Investment Gateway Summit” in May 2024.
The Sustainable Island State Agenda key focus is on seven pillars:
1. Food security
2. Green energy transition
3. Economic diversification
4. Developing the Creative Economy
5. Post-pandemic recovery
6. Attract and support sustainable organisations
7. Extend social protection and safety for vulnerable individuals
These seven pillars form part of the Sustainable Island State Contribution (SISC), which is an exciting new investment option under the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme.
The SISC is an opportunity to contribute to the development of a new nation. It's a secure and sustainable option for savvy investors looking to make a strategic investment.
Collaborative sustainable development initiatives will nurture economic and community development and extend shared values of excellence.
“Connect, Collaborate and Celebrate” with Us
If you're interested in promoting your brand, business services, or exploring sponsorship opportunities, feel free to leave a comment here along with your inquiry in the contact form. We'll promptly respond with details on available packages.
Tickets are limited - make sure to get your early bird tickets!
Secretary of St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme Government of St Kitts and Nevis 00 (1-869) 467-1474
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