Two innovative products from EZVIZ win Asia Design Prize 2025, including one Gold Winner, for combin
EZVIZ has maintained its strong presence in this year’s competition, demonstrating its commitment to product excellence through effective design and great user experience
JAKARTA, Indonesia, Feb. 24, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For a second year, EZVIZ took home two Asia Design Prizes for its innovations aimed at enhancing smart home experience with robust functionality and optimal visual enjoyment. The two laureates are: the EZVIZ 90x Dual-Lens Camera Series as Gold Winner, and the DL05 Smart Fingerprint Lock as Winner. Both products receive high acclaim for their usability and versatility in modern living environment, elegantly balancing the complex need for home protection with a stylish, minimalist appearance.

A smart home pioneer with in-house R&D and industrial design teams, EZVIZ delivered impressive entries to compete against about 2,000 designs from 22 countries. A top design contest in pan-Asia, the Asia Design Prize has constantly revealed to the world the top-of-the-line product design ability that provides unparalleled customer experience. This year the panel strictly evaluates all entries from multi-dimensions and appraises in depth the design concepts and innovative potential.
“We’re honored that our design philosophy became recognized by the best people in the industry. Our first Gold Winner also reflects our relentless pursuit to build better products,” said Ada Wang, Chief Designer of the IoT Industrial Design Department. “We show the world that even complicated technologies can be integrated into a compact product to solve long-standing pain points without overwhelming users.”
A flagship duo to exemplify next-generation “all-in-one” security cameras, the 90x Dual Series unprecedentedly combines two interoperable pan-tilt lenses with three motors to secure ultra-wide areas, and reduce application limitations with solar charging and 4G connectivity. Meant for outdoor monitoring, they’re embedded with multiple cutting-edge technologies developed in-house, including dual-lens image processing for AI-powered detection, ColorFULL night vision in ultra-low-light conditions, and Always-On Video for all-day recording.
A star product from EZVIZ’s Smart Entry family, the DL05 is a modern lock that stays true to the essence of a secure, reliable lock with ultra-simplicity. It ditches overwhelming functions and fussy designs, allowing users to unlock the door instantly in a most natural, seamless way. Slim and refined, it fits most doors harmoniously, offers keyless access with its multi-functional panel and enables remote app controls easily.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
Charlene Li
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